Kinda suprised nothing about the SOTU spat


Heisman Candidate
Sep 7, 2008
The right wingers really took a poke at O'bama and, as usual, he embarrassed them with "scoreboard" -- the expression of the republicans was priceless.

The zest and salt is all gone from the boards. I don't know if it's the booming economy, cheap gas, success of obamacare, or frustrated impotence of conservatives, but I wish someone would wake up and post something fun. Yawn.
Nobody cares but the myopic sycophants on MSNBC, for whom the President's remark passes as witty, and the dim bulbs that watch MSNBC, like you.
Long ago I learned to not listen to what Obama says, but instead to watch his actions. So the SOTU speech is a waste of my time.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Seems to me the president took a team effort (because winning the Presidency takes alot of people, money, volunteers, organizers, etc) and turned it into another self-centered situation where he takes all the credit, "I won..." Seems status quo to me; what is there to discuss?
Why was he orange?

I think Obama had a lot of potential but he failed miserably at the one thing that everyone thought he would be able to do — unite the country. Right now I don't believe we have ever been this polarized. So, point to a subjective scoreboard all you want. From a leadership perspective, he has to be one of the worst presidents in history.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by Ostatedchi:
Long ago I learned to not listen to what Obama says, but instead to watch his actions. So the SOTU speech is a waste of my time.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
I rarely listen to the SOTU address. It is pure propaganda.
Squeak--difference is 3/5 of Americans are at one pole, your boys are on the other..Obama 4th qtr JA tracking like Reagan's. HRC ridin the tsunami...
332 divided by 545 = 60.9
This post was edited on 1/24 5:24 PM by CowboyUp
That would all be well and good but I somehow imagine squeak is not of the Republican boys club.
That's right. I forgot that you live in a world where the R or D following a name means automatic acceptance into the party's good ole' boy club, that their views are accepted with open arms, where talking points are rehearsed verbatim, and an individual agreeing with the politician requires they be a sycophantic fanboy who hangs on every word and masturbates to "accomplishments" both imaginary and real on a daily basis.
The majority party continues to nominate electable candidates at the highest level.

Republicans haven't won a popular majority in a Presidential election since 1988.

There's a reason for that and one need look no further than the antics of GOP straw boss Steve King, and Ron Paul's own son, for ample reason to believe that wont be changing change any time soon....
So now Rand Paul is a torch bearer for the GOP huh. I guess Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, Linsday Graham, John McCain, Chris Christie are just rebels trying to preach moderation and tame the right-winged extremism of Rand Paul and the party he leads. Get back on your meds guy. By the way, what happened to that crap you preached about a Democrat never supporting the NDA or Patriot Act and that they would repeal those violations of oppressive authority exhibited by only the evil Republicans? Care explaining why the powers were not only extended but expanded as well under a Democratic President and super majority Congress? Lastly, I'm pretty sure the 2004 election results had a Republican winning the popular vote 50.7% to 48.3%.

And just to be clear for everyone. I'm not taking up for the Republican party per sae, I'm just simply pointing out that there is no bounds to the Wonderland Alice here fell down into and never returned.
Damn Cup, you have for real issues.

I don't know why I'm surprised.

If Obama was a republican you'd be against everything he's ever done.

You really do need to seek some kind of professional help. I'm not even saying that to be a dick. I am genuinely concerned that you have some mental issues.

I'm not saying it's anything that might keep you from being functional in society but certainly affects your friendships and relationships with friends and family.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by CowboyUp:
The majority party continues to nominate electable candidates at the highest level.

Republicans haven't won a popular majority in a Presidential election since 1988.

There's a reason for that and one need look no further than the antics of GOP straw boss Steve King, and Ron Paul's own son, for ample reason to believe that wont be changing change any time soon....
Republicans control more elective offices across the country than anytime in history.

What good does it do you to win a minority of the states with large electoral votes but can't get anything through congress or state legislatures?

Screw the Presidency it's become a joke office under Obama, the world laughs at him and the states ignore him.
Did you guys know that if you take a crap in public you could be arrested? Just wanted to add to this unbelievably intellectually stimulating thread provided by our resident troll. You're welcome!
And for the record I'm not a member of the republican boys club. Libertarian first, democrat hater second.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by long-duc-dong:
Did you guys know that if you take a crap in public you could be arrested?
Tell me, how is this fair to humans when animals can poop in public without fear of arrest? I mean, we're animals too.
Originally posted by CBradSmith:
Originally posted by long-duc-dong:
Did you guys know that if you take a crap in public you could be arrested?
Tell me, how is this fair to humans when animals can poop in public without fear of arrest? I mean, we're animals too.
Oh it's not fair. If a man wants to relieve himself, whenever and wherever he wants, then he should be able to do that without fear of being arrested. I dream of the day when I can look out my front window at a man and his best friend squatting in my front yard taking a big ol grunt, and then pulling out his little baggie and cleaning up both steamy piles. As long as it's not contaminating our water supply what's the big deal right?
Originally posted by long-duc-dong:

Originally posted by CBradSmith:
Originally posted by long-duc-dong:
Did you guys know that if you take a crap in public you could be arrested?
Tell me, how is this fair to humans when animals can poop in public without fear of arrest? I mean, we're animals too.
Oh it's not fair. If a man wants to relieve himself, whenever and wherever he wants, then he should be able to do that without fear of being arrested. I dream of the day when I can look out my front window at a man and his best friend squatting in my front yard taking a big ol grunt, and then pulling out his little baggie and cleaning up both steamy piles. As long as it's not contaminating our water supply what's the big deal right?
The frequency in which you relieve yourself in public increases as you age. The fear of being arrested decreases as well. In the great outdoors the #1 required commodity is a small packet of wet wipes. All you youngsters will, unfortunately, experience this soon enough.
Originally posted by squeak:
And for the record I'm not a member of the republican boys club. Libertarian first, democrat hater second.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Me too, although I don't think I have ever stated it quite that well.
Originally posted by ThorOdinson13:
That's right. I forgot that you live in a world where the R or D following a name means automatic acceptance into the party's good ole' boy club, that their views are accepted with open arms, where talking points are rehearsed verbatim, and an individual agreeing with the politician requires they be a sycophantic fanboy who hangs on every word and masturbates to "accomplishments" both imaginary and real on a daily basis.
Well, if the shoe fits. The republican party has a platform and core set of beliefs that their political nominees constantly profess. if someone chooses to affiliate them self with that organization that transparently and aggressively promotes a core set of values, they're perceived as affiliated with that organization.

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