She plays hardball. Does that count?does she play sports?
Great win for the people.Total studette. She turned this thing around for him.
not everyone in the OSU family agrees. oh and wrong board.
The Corral is a safe space, ya know.
As far as political talk goes, I suppose it is. Which is somewhat ironic, but oh well.
The Corral is a safe space, ya know.
It's always liberals that bitch and moan about this. If someone posted about Obama, I seriously doubt a single conservative would get butthurt over "wrong board".
not everyone in the OSU family agrees. oh and wrong board.
Heads up that I will be moving this post to 24/7 pol board before very long. There's nothing particularly bad about it, but politics do not belong on The Corral. Nor religion (go to NS board).
Most other topics are fine, but it's a long-standing rule of no politics, no religion discussions on here. Thanks for understanding.
Additionally, I think you'll find you get a lot more quality discussion on a topic like this on 24/7.
This is good to know. But this leaves open homosexuality ( not that there is anything wrong with that ) which kind of transcends both with the Michael Sam, Esera Tuaolo, and David Borens. Makes for a tough call.
Heads up that I will be moving this post to 24/7 pol board before very long. There's nothing particularly bad about it, but politics do not belong on The Corral. Nor religion (go to NS board).
Most other topics are fine, but it's a long-standing rule of no politics, no religion discussions on here. Thanks for understanding.
Additionally, I think you'll find you get a lot more quality discussion on a topic like this on 24/7.
The other being lesbian cruises, right? Except that got moved to HOF, no?Actually, we've had more than one very long threads on the Corral on that topic. Almost all about the Michael Sam deal. Once they turned obviously political/religion-based as a discussion, it got moved. Those went on for a surprisingly large number of responses before it got to that point.