Kamala the Communist

Little angry boys who can’t get pussy!

The problem with this is that hard working people often work harder and do more to get ahead while lazy people choose not to do as much and then expect the same benefits and rewards as people who do the work and go the extra mile.

It’s exasperated in society by doing things like giving last place teams trophies just for participating. Gotta make everyone feel good about themselves! Right?

What is sad about this is that kids are learning this in public schools. Students can work their butts off to get an 98 and then others do the bare minimum as still get a decent grade because teachers either don’t want to grade stuff and just give a passing grade or don’t want the hassle that comes with failing a student. And believe me, schools - especially low performing schools - make teachers who fail students pay the price for failing a student by forcing them to do lots of time consuming things if you fail someone.

So, in essence, we’re teaching young people that whether you work hard or you don’t, you’re going to end up in the same spot. And THAT is the essence of a communist world.

Another example (which is prevalent where I teach): Student A breaks his neck to get to class on time and shows up on time every day; meanwhile Student B takes their sweet time and is no concerned about being late and is late almost every day. Nothing happens to Student B because 1) the school has bigger problems, and 2) if school disciplined all tardies, they’d be overrun in detention penalizing those students.

Both of these are prime examples of the dregs of society pulling the rest of society down to their level. And, once again, THAT is the essence of a communist world.
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