Just to remind everyone, this is what oppression looks like.

As should be well known by now I am in favor of open borders. But maybe those people should recognize the situation they are walking into and stop coming, at least for the time being. Bringing your children into such conditions, knowing in advance what those conditions are and bringing them anyway, is not on America. It's on the parents who bull-headedly put their children's lives and well being in jeopardy. I have a hard time feeling sorry for them in spite of the fact I think they should be allowed in. (I do feel awful for the children who are being so callously used as pawns.)
As should be well known by now I am in favor of open borders. But maybe those people should recognize the situation they are walking into and stop coming, at least for the time being. Bringing your children into such conditions, knowing in advance what those conditions are and bringing them anyway, is not on America. It's on the parents who bull-headedly put their children's lives and well being in jeopardy. I have a hard time feeling sorry for them in spite of the fact I think they should be allowed in. (I do feel awful for the children who are being so callously used as pawns.)
This. I’m really torn on this situation. Obviously that picture is terrible and I feel horrible for those kids, but what are we supposed to do? Just open the gates and say have fun? I’m w you about open borders, to an extent (definitely against a wall). It’s just a horrible situation right now. I don’t know the right answer obviously.
Hungary's border fences. Looks electrified too. No wonder they aren't having an immigrant problem.

Hungary's border fences. Looks electrified too. No wonder they aren't having an immigrant problem.


Awesome. We should get Mexico to pay for one of those for us. BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!!!
This. I’m really torn on this situation. Obviously that picture is terrible and I feel horrible for those kids, but what are we supposed to do? Just open the gates and say have fun? I’m w you about open borders, to an extent (definitely against a wall). It’s just a horrible situation right now. I don’t know the right answer obviously.

Feel pity for the kids of course, but not enough to squire them and their dip shit parents to a new life suckling of the tit of American Taxpayers.

SSS, the easy fix is for Congress...past, present and future to do their freakin jobs and enforce laws on the books, or change them. I absolutely applaud Hungary and other countries who told the EU to FO. The amazing thing is very few people take the time to understand that most of their whore dog political reps, live in gated communities, with lots of security and will most likely will never ever be effected by any of the tertiary affects of illegal immigration.

Mexico is complicit in this issue also, they could stop these caravans at their southern border, but because they are hopelessly corrupt doesn't seem they are interested in doing so.