Why is the hammer and sickle flag less publically intolerable for protesters than even the Confederate flag, and a million times less so than the swastika?
Why is punch a nazi more relevant than punching commies - which we did for a lot longer?
Not advocating anything here, just wondering out loud why communism seems to get such a social pass. I've read numbers as high as 100,000,000 murdered.
Why wouldn't someone with a commie flag be considered just as much of a dangerous pariah as a skinhead? Seems less dangerous somehow I guess.
Is it just harder to take them seriously? That's my guess. Either way. Piss on nazis and commies.
Why is punch a nazi more relevant than punching commies - which we did for a lot longer?
Not advocating anything here, just wondering out loud why communism seems to get such a social pass. I've read numbers as high as 100,000,000 murdered.
Why wouldn't someone with a commie flag be considered just as much of a dangerous pariah as a skinhead? Seems less dangerous somehow I guess.
Is it just harder to take them seriously? That's my guess. Either way. Piss on nazis and commies.