John Stossel and Betsy Devos - Why Not School Choice?

NZ Poke

Heisman Candidate
Dec 16, 2007
The left appears to have a problem with choice and competition (hence, the sudden and mysterious rise of "participation trophies" --- which reward people for not competing effectively).

This video shows why there's so much leftist autistic shrieking re Devos. (she's proposing a mortal threat to their no-choice model --- once people get a taste of educational choice, they'll never want to go back to the no-choice model ever again)

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Honest question, and I preface it by stating that I support school-choice programs. What are her qualifications to the position of education secretary? I know she is a reliable donor (most billionaires are to their elective parties). I know she has given significantly of her own capital to support and promote school choice initiatives (of which I agree and support) and that she adamantly believes in this position. However, what makes her the right vessel for delivering these programs to the country? I profess that I don't know DeVos' background. Wouldn't someone like Bobby Jindal (who as governor of Louisiana has successfully integrated school choice into the state's education framework) been a better fit? Second question, is she so qualified that she's worth fighting for to maintain her nomination? And to the Dems on this board, I ask a different question: Are you simply against her because she's pro-school choice (i.e. ideological difference), or is there something more concerning with this individual that should be noted? If its the former, then my answer is sorry, elections have consequences. If the latter, I'm interested in hearing it as I'm not well-versed in her scandals, outside of the absurd 'plagiarism' charge from CNN (because her generic answers looked similar to the generic bureaucrat answers on 2 of 1400 questions in the background survey).

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