Joe Biden Is A Blithering Idiot

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
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“Joe Biden Is A Blithering Idiot”​

Then there’s the genius that is Donald Trump.

It's amazing how asking questions, being creative and pushing the norms is all of a sudden seen as a person being a blithering idiot. And we wonder how we got 35 trillion in debt. SMFH
It's amazing how asking questions, being creative and pushing the norms is all of a sudden seen as a person being a blithering idiot. And we wonder how we got 35 trillion in debt. SMFH
Are you thinking Stephen Mack’s analysis of Trump’s proposal is in error? If so would you please explain what you think he gets wrong?
Are you thinking Stephen Mack’s analysis of Trump’s proposal is in error? If so would you please explain what you think he gets wrong?
Proposal? The way I saw it wasn't as a proposal it was a question for discussion but you do you.
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Proposal? The way I saw it wasn't as a proposal it was a question for discussion but you do you.
Okay, let’s call it a discussion. Trump postulated he could eliminate the income tax and make up for the lost revenue to the government by installing very high tariffs. Stephen Mack thinks the idea is idiotic and explains why. Do you think his analysis is flawed, and if so can you explain the flaw?

Look, we both know you jumped into the discussion because Mack said mean things about Trump, and there is no one on this board as thin skinned as you when somebody disses your hero. So if you want to admit you only replied because you see it as your duty to protect your hero without fail, otherwise you wouldn’t feel the need to jump in, that’s fine with me.
Roughly the same as Biden only Biden didn't have the Pandemic to deal with.


Biden also had to sign off a bevy of executive orders almost immediately to get the vaccine out…stuff that sat on Trump’s desk whilst he boorishly brooded about losing and schemed instead of running a country. January 2021 was the deadliest month of covid. People weren’t lined up at the Expo Center waiting for shots in March/April 2020…that was the next year 2021 with a new administration.

You all are truly something else with the endless stream of bullshit haha

carry on
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Okay, let’s call it a discussion. Trump postulated he could eliminate the income tax and make up for the lost revenue to the government by installing very high tariffs. Stephen Mack thinks the idea is idiotic and explains why. Do you think his analysis is flawed, and if so can you explain the flaw?

Look, we both know you jumped into the discussion because Mack said mean things about Trump, and there is no one on this board as thin skinned as you when somebody disses your hero. So if you want to admit you only replied because you see it as your duty to protect your hero without fail, otherwise you wouldn’t feel the need to jump in, that’s fine with me.
Not saying I agree with it just that Trump didn't propose it. He floated the idea out there for Republicans to talk about but as usual the MSM turns into Trump policy. SMFH you are smarter than that.

Biden also had to sign off a bevy of executive orders almost immediately to get the vaccine out…stuff that sat on Trump’s desk whilst he boorishly brooded about losing and schemed instead of running a country. January 2021 was the deadliest month of covid. People weren’t lined up at the Expo Center waiting for shots in March/April 2020…that was the next year 2021 with a new administration.

You all are truly something else with the endless stream of bullshit haha

carry on
Debt when Biden took office was $27,751,896,236,415 , the debt as of today is damn near 35 trillion dollars and Biden still has 6 months left. Biden didn't have to deal with Covid, the lockdowns were over in Aug of 2020 except in mainly blue states that kept their states locked down for political reasons.
Not saying I agree with it just that Trump didn't propose it. He floated the idea out there for Republicans to talk about but as usual the MSM turns into Trump policy. SMFH you are smarter than that.

Given his history of weaponizing tariffs and his tax cuts already, it’s not outlandish in the least bit to take him half-seriously at worst. SmFh you are not smarter than that…

carry on
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Debt when Biden took office was $27,751,896,236,415 , the debt as of today is damn near 35 trillion dollars and Biden still has 6 months left. Biden didn't have to deal with Covid, the lockdowns were over in Aug of 2020 except in mainly blue states that kept their states locked down for political reasons.

Are you seriously this stupid and stubborn?

The Omicron surge didn’t happen until winter 2021 well into 2021…

carry on
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Not saying I agree with it just that Trump didn't propose it. He floated the idea out there for Republicans to talk about but as usual the MSM turns into Trump policy. SMFH you are smarter than that.
I called it a proposal, not a policy. Trump “threw out” an idea only an idiot would think might be viable. I feel safe in saying he wouldn’t have brought it up if he didn’t think it is a good idea. It’s an idiotic idea, as Stephen Mack points out.
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Are you seriously this stupid and stubborn?

The Omicron surge didn’t happen until winter 2021 well into 2021…

carry on
Oh I forgot you were one of the Covid freaks. Covid ended for us in Texas in Aug of 2020. I'm sure you still wear a mask today, have taken every available booster and are still living in fear.
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It's amazing how asking questions, being creative and pushing the norms is all of a sudden seen as a person being a blithering idiot. And we wonder how we got 35 trillion in debt. SMFH
Proposal? The way I saw it wasn't as a proposal it was a question for discussion but you do you.
Not saying I agree with it just that Trump didn't propose it. He floated the idea out there for Republicans to talk about but as usual the MSM turns into Trump policy. SMFH you are smarter than that.
How do you know what it was? Were you in the meeting?

With that said, do you agree with what Trump suggested? With what Trump threw out there (or whatever else you want to call it as you chase your tail trying to defend Trump)? Yes or no?
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How do you know what it was? Were you in the meeting?

With that said, do you agree with what Trump suggested? With what Trump threw out there (or whatever else you want to call it as you chase your tail trying to defend Trump)? Yes or no?
I saw it as a item to create discussion and additional ideas. You can take it however you wish.

Not enough information to agree or disagree but I do support looking for creative ways to improve and simplify an overly complicated and burdensome tax system.
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What more information do you need?

WTF. Would you change the government's revenue tool without specific details, expectations, projections and how it would effect the economy?
What I do know is our current system is to complex. There has to be a better way that is simple, mostly non controversial, less expensive to administer and still be able to fund the government.
Would you change the government's revenue tool without specific details, expectations, projections and how it would effect the economy?
Do you require this level of detail and expertise on every policy position you favor or oppose on this board? If so, I haven't seen it. Especially when you are disagreeing with Democrats lol!

How about this, based upon what you already know or can figure out in a quick study, do you agree or disagree with what Trump suggested?
Do you require this level of detail and expertise on every policy position you favor or oppose on this board? If so, I haven't seen it. Especially when you are disagreeing with Democrats lol!

How about this, based upon what you already know or can figure out in a quick study, do you agree or disagree with what Trump suggested?
I would need more than Trump talking about it and the anti Trump crowd saying it's stupid to have a better opinion on it.

Nope I neither agree or disagree. I think it's worth looking into as is the flat tax and several other ideas to simplify our tax system. In our current system some political activist POS in the IRS can make your life a living hell over nothing if they are given cover from the powers that be. Lois Lerner ring a bell. I've gone through an audit even though I did absolutely nothing wrong. Actually received a check back for being overly conservative but it was still a pain in the ass, cost me time and money for legal representation. All because some dumbass IRS doesn't know the laws. Most of us out there are not named Hunter Biden and can get a free pass on not paying taxes.
I would need more than Trump talking about it and the anti Trump crowd saying it's stupid to have a better opinion on it.

Nope I neither agree or disagree. I think it's worth looking into as is the flat tax and several other ideas to simplify our tax system. In our current system some political activist POS in the IRS can make your life a living hell over nothing if they are given cover from the powers that be. Lois Lerner ring a bell. I've gone through an audit even though I did absolutely nothing wrong. Actually received a check back for being overly conservative but it was still a pain in the ass, cost me time and money for legal representation. All because some dumbass IRS doesn't know the laws. Most of us out there are not named Hunter Biden and can get a free pass on not paying taxes.
Sorry, but the idea is pure idiocy. Tariffs are paid by the consumer. Tariffs by their nature cause prices to go up. Abolishing the income tax will have no effect on the poor and lower working class because they don’t pay income tax anyway. So they’re the ones getting the shaft by the higher prices caused by this idiotic proposal. Furthermore the stated objective of the tariffs is to drive up domestic production and severely decrease the imports that pay the tariffs. Income from tariffs will dry up which means government income will dry up correspondingly. Where’s Trump going to make up for his shortfall? It’s a stupid idea that has no chance of working. It’s just another Trump pander that he hopes people like you will not notice, all you’ll see is he’s going to abolish your income tax. Like so many other of his idiotic trade proposals you’ll see him as a hero. I have tabbed Trump with the moniker “Panderer in Chief” and it’s a perfect title for him.
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Sorry, but the idea is pure idiocy. Tariffs are paid by the consumer. Tariffs by their nature cause prices to go up. Abolishing the income tax will have no effect on the poor and lower working class because they don’t pay income tax anyway. So they’re the ones getting the shaft by the higher prices caused by this idiotic proposal. Furthermore the stated objective of the tariffs is to drive up domestic production and severely decrease the imports that pay the tariffs. Income from tariffs will dry up which means government income will dry up correspondingly. Where’s Trump going to make up for his shortfall? It’s a stupid idea that has no chance of working. It’s just another Trump pander that he hopes people like you will not notice, all you’ll see is he’s going to abolish your income tax. Like so many other of his idiotic trade proposals you’ll see him as a hero. I have tabbed Trump with the moniker “Panderer in Chief” and it’s a perfect title for him.
Taxes are paid by the people as well Dan. Why should the poor and lower middleclass get a pass on paying federal taxes? Are they not as American as everyone else? Maybe if it was part of their income taken by government they would start giving shit. Drying up government revenues would force government to become smaller and substantially more efficient, that's a good thing. As is an increase in Domestic manufacturing. Not saying relying on tariffs for government revenue is a good thing or a bad thing, merely pointing out your objections can be seen as a positive.
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Taxes are paid by the people as well Dan. Why should the poor and lower middleclass get a pass on paying federal taxes? Are they not as American as everyone else? Maybe if it was part of their income taken by government they would start giving shit. Drying up government revenues would force government to become smaller and substantially more efficient, that's a good thing. As is an increase in Domestic manufacturing. Not saying relying on tariffs for government revenue is a good thing or a bad thing, merely pointing out your objections can be seen as a positive.
You’re a treasure, Bearcat. If this were a pander being proposed by Biden or any other democrat, which it easily could have been, instead of your hero, you would be slobbering over the reasonableness of the analysis proving its idiocy, and you would be standing alongside those of us who are calling it what it is: pandering at its most idiotic.
You’re a treasure, Bearcat. If this were a pander being proposed by Biden or any other democrat, which it easily could have been, instead of your hero, you would be slobbering over the reasonableness of the analysis proving its idiocy, and you would be standing alongside those of us who are calling it what it is: pandering at its most idiotic.
You don't understand my hatred of our tax system.
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Receiving Social Security should not begin til age 67. Is SS scheduled to not be able to meet it's current obligations in 2033? I've read moving to age 67 would do wonders for the program.