Jeff Sessions slams marijuana use, calls for return to 1980s "Just Say No" policy

NZ Poke

Heisman Candidate
Dec 16, 2007
I'm all for Sessions being AG, cleaning up the justice department etc, but on this he's completely wrong.

Beyond being a states rights issue / personal freedom / economic opportunity, *vaping* marijuana is a hell of a lot safer than many legal substances.


- Sodas (sugar is essentially poison)
- Many processed frankenfoods lining our supermarket shelves
- Alcohol
- Tobacco

I have some of my best workouts after vaping -- zero drop in athletic performance, no loss of motivation, and no post-workout hangover (or next day hangover).

If I tried to workout after drinking a beer, drinking a soda, or eating unhealthy food, I would likely throw up or lose motivation to exercise.

Life and freedom are all about choices, and I don't need the government telling me what I can and can't put in my body, especially as I'm already fit and healthy. (I manage my own health and wellness far better than the government can)

Not to mention, the government-created "food pyramid" and "low fat diet" recommendations helped wreck our nation's health (and caused the obesity epidemic --- eggs never should have been labeled an unhealthy food).
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Marijuana is slightly less awful than heroin? This obviously comes from someone who has never been around either.
Yep. Calling bullshit on that one. I've yet to personally encounter a single OD death from marijuana in 21 years. I have seen plenty of dead people from opiates and alcohol. Hell I've even seen dead people from chicken pot pie. Zero from the wacky tobacky.
Marijuana is slightly less awful than heroin? This obviously comes from someone who has never been around either.
I have never seen anyone pull a joint out of the toilet and smoke it but I did see on intervention one a time a guy use toilet water to mix his black tar.

One thing that really bothers me in all this mess about MJ is the fact that 90% of drug enforcement budgets go towards stopping MJ. They need to go after Methamphetamine and opiates. those are the drugs ruining families and lives. The only thing ruining lives with MJ use is the government.
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I would have never voted for trump if I knew this would happen. He campaigned on this being a states' rights issue. He better straighten out this dinasour.

I think Sessions brings exponentially more positives to the DOJ than negatives.

But this is a big negative, and it will be very negative for Republicans in 2018 / 2020 if the DOJ starts cracking down on public-facing marijuana businesses who are obeying state regulations (and paying a shitload of taxes to their state governments).

We need any new jobs (and industries) we can get.
When I served on the Dallas County Grand Jury, we had a bunch (15-20) of cases of DWI but none for DWStoned.
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I get that an old man who has zero experience with this except for the propaganda he grew up with would think like him but somebody needs to educate him quickly.
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Pathetic, much more serious crimes exist than to spend money on this, just stupid. So, as AG what are you most proud off? "I incarcerated 70,000 pot heads, of which 80% paid taxes, and incarcerated them at taxpayers expense and caused those with more serious crimes to be released earlier to make room for the tokers." Just plain dumb, but that is Washington, D.C. for you.
H.R.975 - Respect State Marijuana Laws Act of 2017115th Congress (2017-2018)

See above --- introduced by a Republican.

14 co-sponsors of the bill, evenly spit with 7 D's and 7 R's signed on.

BTW, It's been assigned to 5 separate committees and sub-committees, including Committee on the Judiciary, and the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

I'd be willing to bet this bill gets no traction and dies a natural death through the failure of any of the Committees and sub-committees lending it support and even bringing it to the floor of the House.

As to Sessions, I hate to say "I TOLD YOU SO" but I really did tell you so for quite some time now. It was kind of obvious when you started looking at his comments and actions in context.

My next prediction, Trump's not going to push back on this at all!
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I think Sessions brings exponentially more positives to the DOJ than negatives.

But this is a big negative, and it will be very negative for Republicans in 2018 / 2020 if the DOJ starts cracking down on public-facing marijuana businesses who are obeying state regulations (and paying a shitload of taxes to their state governments).

We need any new jobs (and industries) we can get.

This is my stance.
My Mom has been sick with Lyme Disease and chronic pain for almost a decade. They have wrecked her quality of life.

Because she's in Oklahoma, she can't do medical mj.

Instead she's relied on costly pharmaceuticals which have done nothing to make her better.

I strongly believe her quality of life would be exponentially better (it sucks now) with medical mj.

Her doctors privately agree with me, but can't publicly say or do anything. CBD oil is legal in Oklahoma now, maybe this is the option.

I'm new to it, but apparently CBD is the way to go!! (For medical mj use)
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Doesn't contain THC (which makes people feel "high").

However, it does reduce anxiety and make people feel relaxed (amongst other effects):

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14 co-sponsors of the bill, evenly spit with 7 D's and 7 R's signed on.

BTW, It's been assigned to 5 separate committees and sub-committees, including Committee on the Judiciary, and the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

I'd be willing to bet this bill gets no traction and dies a natural death through the failure of any of the Committees and sub-committees lending it support and even bringing it to the floor of the House.

As to Sessions, I hate to say "I TOLD YOU SO" but I really did tell you so for quite some time now. It was kind of obvious when you started looking at his comments and actions in context.

My next prediction, Trump's not going to push back on this at all!

You didn't tell us anything. We googled him too.
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This really irks me, Trump needs to tell Sessions to STFU about mj.

Sometimes, the divide and polarization in our country feels almost insurmountable. From AG column A: Hopelessly corrupt and compromised dems ala Holder and Lynch. From AG column B: A dinosaur with a mindset of "heroin = MJ....drugs R bad mmmkay" diverting resources/thought/time to MJ prosecution as opposed to cleaning up the mess left from AG column A.

Trump could really exploit the Dem party's disarray by being a Leader in the MJ movement promoting individual rights and liberty, or at the very least let it run its natural course/get it removed from the Schedule III Drugs list. Schumer and his ilk (a large % of which are already compromised by Big Pharma and Alcohol Lobbyists) wouldn't know what hit them. Instead, Sessions keeps needlessly bringing this up.

It is independents who won Trump his 1st term. It is independents who will decide his fate for his reelection bid. He better choose wisely because the alternatives are now far left Bernie/socialist types...
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get it removed from the Schedule III Drugs list
If it were only Scheule III. Under current US law it's Schedule I along with LSD, heroin, and mescaline. Cocaine and amphetamines are Schedule II, but are both limited in medical uses. But marijuana is scheduled higher than the wonderful, addictive, and deadly opiates like oxycontin.
If it were only Scheule III. Under current US law it's Schedule I along with LSD, heroin, and mescaline. Cocaine and amphetamines are Schedule II, but are both limited in medical uses. But marijuana is scheduled higher than the wonderful, addictive, and deadly opiates like oxycontin.

Got my worst schedule # inverted with the best, if you can call it that (1 vs. 3). Thanks for correcting me. So fuc*ing stupid.
How is it that every Oklahoman I know has no problem legalizing MJ, but yet it appears Oklahoma would be the last state to do so? Do we just send the dumbest okies we can find to the Capital?
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You guys enjoying this era of freedom? I'm shocked -- SHOCKED -- that Biff has reversed course on states rights issues, and that his AG wants to control people's lives. When push comes to shove these conservatives don't give ONE SHIT about personal freedom. But keep waving that flag -- you guys enabled Beauregard, enjoy MAGA.

Beauregard needs to get high af and have an epic session with his wife -- or hit the ol' Super 8, GOP style.
You guys enjoying this era of freedom? I'm shocked -- SHOCKED -- that Biff has reversed course on states rights issues, and that his AG wants to control people's lives. When push comes to shove these conservatives don't give ONE SHIT about personal freedom. But keep waving that flag -- you guys enabled Beauregard, enjoy MAGA.

Beauregard needs to get high af and have an epic session with his wife -- or hit the ol' Super 8, GOP style.

Case in point