Jeff Jacoby Says Trump’s “Berlin Wall” Will Never Be Built

Good article and brings up lots of valid points. Also demonstrates that if the gutless vote whoring politicians actually did their jobs and enforced immigration laws this would not even be part of any immigration reform discussions.

Also agree that the overstaying of visa's is a giant problem and needs to be rectified immediately. Although it is interesting that you rarely hear of someone overstaying their visa being responsible for driving drunk and killing someone or having been deported numerous times only to keep returning only to be caught again and again and again.
Good article. Does a good job of pointing out why the wall would be a huge waste of taxpayer money. Not only the cost of the wall, but the cost of maintaining it, and all of the eminent domain cases that would need to be adjudicated.
Oddly enough, the Berlin Wall was built to keep East Germans from fleeing East Germany.

Spot on about politicians not doing their jobs and our broken visa system, though.

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