And here is an exceedingly fair review of his judicial career and holdings to date.
This is why trump got elected
It's a good choice in my book.
Just read an opinion today where Justice Gorsuch questioned and excepted every pro-policy holder point and embraced every pro-insurance company point. He even managed to avoid applying the old rule that ambiguities are construed against the insurer.
He's pro-big business and anti-consumer. This is EXACTLY what drain the swamp and maga means to me -- foxes over the hen house. He's so pro-big business that it's not even funny.
Because you are a conservative guy in my opinion. Not far right but right of center. I get why someone who is a stand up person with three daughters doesn't like trump but can you imagine the liberal nut Hillary would have nominated? The Supreme Court balance was what drove Christians and right of center folks to hold their nose and color in trump.
Ginsberg and Scalia are an example for all of us. I wish I had that in me.
Textualist in my jurisprudence? I don't speak all that Ching Chong Chang
Do your research.
Words have need to argue what legislators "meant to say" if the words are clear and explicit.
I've heard arguments that fall outside of that parameter and it makes their opinions no different than the old men at the domino parlor. Textual jurisprudence. I'll add this to my lexicon.
This is why trump got elected
Right behind Garland I am sure ;-) Seriously the shit these guys go through...Judge Napalitano declared him the most qualified judge in the country.
It's 80% of why I voted for him.
It's 80% of why I voted for him.
Tell that to John Roberts.Do your research.
Words have need to argue what legislators "meant to say" if the words are clear and explicit.
It's just about the only reason I voted for him.
I can't stand Trump's personality.
Said by a Democrat. Unfortunately, elections have consequences, as does the changing of Senate rules for solely partisan purposes. Republicans blocked Garland and can approve Gorsuch with or without Senate Democrat approval, all because Harry Reid was an egotistical moron. Thanks Harry!There is a very difficult question about whether there should be a vote on President Trump’s nominee at all, given the Republican Senate’s history-breaking record of obstruction on Judge Merrick B. Garland — perhaps the most qualified nominee ever for the high court.
I am outraged.Nice, just saw his yearbook profile, he was the founder of his Prep school's Fascism Forever club............... should fit right in