It will be interesting to see what President Trump does..........


Heisman Winner
Sep 15, 2001
North Korea and Iran again Testing Ballistic missiles and Iranian fast attack boats harassing US and Royal Navy Ships yesterday...........
Obama gave Iran how much to spend on weapons?

Don't you know. It was their money anyways, and they would only take cash. We did keep enough to cover our fuel costs for the C-130...(oh wait, no we didn't.)

i was serious about iran

this north korean deal is a little trickier
if we could somehow get dennis rodman back into pingyongyang and assasinate that crazy bastard with the same spray he used on his brother in malaysia that could stabilize the situation there
I know just didn't want it derailed ....... I should have been more tactful

No biggie, if you noticed I have been posting in a blue a lot today, news is getting depressing so I think I resorted to humor just to counter act it.

I do not have a good response to your question, I would love to sit in on some security meetings and see what options we have.
IMO you sink one of those boats , put up with the criticism, but I bet they don't do it again
I'm with this. Vaporize one. Don't say a word. When they raise a stink ask, "Oh was that your boat doing silly shit? My bad." Drop the mic and wait.
Someone, sometime is going to have to get serious about NKorea. Every previous administration has avoided doing anything meaningful and they just keep poking everyone in the eye. They seem to get more and more dangerous with each subsequent despot in the linage. Doubt the Chinese or Russians want to see these people start a war on the Korean Penisula though, especially since it appears the Japanese are less and less inclined to sit back and do nothing.

Iranians, absolutely shred one of the boats that should fix that. Need to make sure the Israelis have what they need to do the maximum amount of damage when the time comes. My guess is the Jordanians & Saudis have already set up a clandestine base in the deserted 1/4 and will have zero issue with granting fly over rights.

If all else fails put the problem solving UN on it, they will certainly come up with a workable deal.
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This was intended to be a serious discussion, I should have known better

You didn't want a discussion. Youjust wanted to piss on Trump without acknowledging the chain of events that got us where we are with Iran and NK.

Obama punted on NK and emboldened and gave huge amounts of American taxpayer money to people that hate our way of life in Iran. That's why we're here.
Iranians...we have radar so we know when one is coming. Drop our own fast attack boat and confront them...if they turn, great. If they fire, then we sink the threat.
You didn't want a discussion. Youjust wanted to piss on Trump without acknowledging the chain of events that got us where we are with Iran and NK.

Obama punted on NK and emboldened and gave huge amounts of American taxpayer money to people that hate our way of life in Iran. That's why we're here.
I did not start this to Piss on President Trump, I have been a vocal supporter of harsher action against both NK and Iran for many years, and several presidents.........obviously this is not President Trump's fault, it goes back much further than that, I have been involved with both since the Clinton days, and no one has done squat

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