It’s Not The Real Goal, The One They’ve Had From The Beginning

Why are you upset with this? You fully support the Muslims wanting to remove the Jews from Israel. Little bit of a double standard you are displaying.
You know I don’t support terrorism. You know I don’t. It makes no sense that you keep repeating accusations you know are not true.
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You know I don’t support terrorism. You know I don’t. It makes no sense that you keep repeating accusations you know are not true.
Sure you do, you constantly condemn Israel and rarely, if ever condemn the radical Muslims. That's not an accusation, it's a fact.
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Your accusation, Bearcat, is that I support Muslim terrorism because I condemn Zionist terrorism.
No Dan that is not what I said, you support Muslim terrorist by only condemning one side. If you were truly against both your post would condemn both sides. GO back over the last year and compare how many anti-Israel post you've made versus how many anti terrorist posts. You will find the difference is staggering.

Here's the deal Dan, the radical Muslims will not stop until they are forced to stop. Trump had them stopped by restricting their finances and working with moderate Muslim countries with the Abraham Accords. Obama/Biden/Harris reversed what was working. Trump's approach was more effective keeping peace in the Middle East, the other approach has given us what we see today.

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