Israel Is Obsessed With Killing Journalists

Oh boy, oh boy, Bibi is going to get his way and get American soldiers killed, too! Watch you back, Iran! Bibi’s gonna send American troops for you next. What a glorious Zionist killing spree awaits the world! And the cool thing is all the killing will be in the name of self defense, because, let’s face it, Israel is the victim, always the victim.

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Just so I understand what you’re pointing out with this reply, are you offering this as stone cold proof that Israel has not killed or maimed ten of thousands of Palestinians (and Lebanese, and Syrians, and Iraqis, and Iranians, and Yemenis and … Americans)?
Are you really saying it's up to Israel to prove that they didn't kill some people? Wow, you're lack of intelligence knows no depth.
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School children will just grow up to be terrorists, so why show any mercy there? The only good Palestinian is a dead Palestinian. Get ‘em while they’re young.
Two Palestinian dads were showing wallet photos of their sons.

"This a Abdul. He died at 10 as a suicide bomber in Tel Aviv".

"This is Mohammod. He died at 8 wearing a bomb strapped around his waist in Jerusalem."

They looked at each other, sighed and said, "Kids... They blow up so quickly these days".

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