Israel-Hamas-Iran war

…with a lisp.
I agree, but by abstaining he’s at least trying to make amends for his blunder.
Biden's blunder was slowing down the Israeli military. They needed to go as hard as possible and as fast as possible. Instead he insisted Israel go slow and limit civilian casualties. The same people who are bitching now would still be bitching but at least it would be over.
Biden's blunder was slowing down the Israeli military. They needed to go as hard as possible and as fast as possible. Instead he insisted Israel go slow and limit civilian casualties. The same people who are bitching now would still be bitching but at least it would be over.
That’s one perspective of how Biden blundered. A more realistic perspective, IMO, is Biden did not realize how the world would react, including half the American population, to Israel’s blatant attempt at genocide. Even good old DJT is talking about how Israel and the US are becoming isolated.
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That’s one perspective of how Biden blundered. A more realistic perspective, IMO, is Biden did not realize how the world would react, including half the American population, to Israel’s blatant attempt at genocide. Even good old DJT is talking about how Israel and the US are becoming isolated.
As soon as Israel slowed down its operations and tried to minimize casualties the results of that type of operation has been the same over and over again. His advisors aren't worth spit if they didn't tell him that attitudes toward Israeli operation will deteriorate no matter what. It doesn't matter if you minimize casualties or go all out. The same players haters hatting on israel will still hate Israel. You might as well rip the band aid off. If you go fast those same haters won't have time to bitch.
Biden is pandering. Half the Country does not think Israel is committing Genocide. Only a few tards and some antisemites think that is happening.

Michigan's 100,000 'uncommitted' votes challenge Biden's Israel stance​

"DEARBORN, Michigan/WASHINGTON, Feb 28 (Reuters) - President Joe Biden's reelection campaign faces an arduous task uniting his party after Michigan Democrats waged a massive protest vote over his support of Israel's military campaign against Hamas in Gaza.
With 95% of the votes counted, Biden won Tuesday's primary with 81%, but 13%, or more than 100,000 people, cast "uncommitted" ballots in a state where a large Arab American community and other progressive Democrats vented their anger at Biden's support of an Israeli offensive."

But I guess Dan thinks Brandon had some divine awakening.
That’s one perspective of how Biden blundered. A more realistic perspective, IMO, is Biden did not realize how the world would react, including half the American population, to Israel’s blatant attempt at genocide. Even good old DJT is talking about how Israel and the US are becoming isolated.

Yep, that half has really been on a roll.

They’ve really made inroads for dudes in chick sports.
Biden is pandering. Half the Country does not think Israel is committing Genocide. Only a few tards and some antisemites think that is happening.

Michigan's 100,000 'uncommitted' votes challenge Biden's Israel stance​

"DEARBORN, Michigan/WASHINGTON, Feb 28 (Reuters) - President Joe Biden's reelection campaign faces an arduous task uniting his party after Michigan Democrats waged a massive protest vote over his support of Israel's military campaign against Hamas in Gaza.
With 95% of the votes counted, Biden won Tuesday's primary with 81%, but 13%, or more than 100,000 people, cast "uncommitted" ballots in a state where a large Arab American community and other progressive Democrats vented their anger at Biden's support of an Israeli offensive."

But I guess Dan thinks Brandon had some divine awakening.
I think his handlers have had a divine awakening precisely for the reason you say. But you are in error for two reasons. First, upwards of half the American public has had its eyes opened that Biden is supporting genocide and are appalled by it, and are letting him know of their disapproval. Second: those that are appalled by it are American voters just like you, and their voices carry as much weight as yours and deserve to be considered just like yours. I think you do yourself a disservice when you come on this board with all your buddies and prop each other up and convince yourselves you are the true voices of what America wants. You delude each other into thinking any opinion counter to yours is worthy of nothing but ridicule, because that’s what all of you do. It blinds you to what’s really going on and it shocks you when elections like 2020 and 2022 happen and you don’t get your way.
As soon as Israel slowed down its operations and tried to minimize casualties the results of that type of operation has been the same over and over again. His advisors aren't worth spit if they didn't tell him that attitudes toward Israeli operation will deteriorate no matter what. It doesn't matter if you minimize casualties or go all out. The same players haters hatting on israel will still hate Israel. You might as well rip the band aid off. If you go fast those same haters won't have time to bitch.
Lol. Let's avoid the bitching, just massacre as many as it takes to pretend we got the job done. The wound the bandaid is protecting is the lives of tens of thousands of innocent people. Just rip it off and get on with the killing!
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Lol. Let's avoid the bitching, just massacre as many as it takes to pretend we got the job done. The wound the bandaid is protecting is the lives of tens of thousands of innocent people. Just rip it off and get on with the killing!
It's the bitching that will have Biden push to stop Israel before the job is done. A job left undone will mean more innocent people will die when we go through this again, every other year.
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It's the bitching that will have Biden push to stop Israel before the job is done. A job left undone will mean more innocent people will die when we go through this again, every other year.
Your being unrealistic. On the one hand everybody is insisting Oct 7 was the worst attack on Israel ever and the worst attack on Jews since the holocaust, while on the other hand pretending Uncle Bibi has faced attacks like Oct 7 on a regular basis. Pick a lane and stay in it. What more does Uncle Bibi have to do before “the job is done?” The IDF has made great swaths of Gaza uninhabitable.
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Your being unrealistic. On the one hand everybody is insisting Oct 7 was the worst attack on Israel ever and the worst attack on Jews since the holocaust, while on the other hand pretending Uncle Bibi has faced attacks like Oct 7 on a regular basis. Pick a lane and stay in it. What more does Uncle Bibi have to do before “the job is done?” The IDF has made great swaths of Gaza uninhabitable.–2006

I'm not suggesting that every attack on Israel has been like Oct 7. I'm suggesting that these attacks between two parties that are at war with each other will continue until one side wins. The longer you delay that, the more innocent people on both sides will die including children.
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I'm not suggesting that every attack on Israel has been like Oct 7. I'm suggesting that these attacks between two parties that are at war with each other will continue until one side wins. The longer you delay that, the more innocent people on both sides will die including children.
I don’t know where to find the numbers, maybe you do. If you can look to see how many Israeli deaths can be attributed to attacks by Hamas prior to Oct 7, maybe on a year to year basis. I bet none of it justifies what Uncle Bibi is doing to Gaza today. Uncle Bibi is doing a slight of hand, lustily chomping up gobs of the West Bank, not to mention all of Gaza and its oil deposits while telling us it’s only doing this to defend itself.
I don’t know where to find the numbers, maybe you do. If you can look to see how many Israeli deaths can be attributed to attacks by Hamas prior to Oct 7, maybe on a year to year basis. I bet none of it justifies what Uncle Bibi is doing to Gaza today. Uncle Bibi is doing a slight of hand, lustily chomping up gobs of the West Bank, not to mention all of Gaza and its oil deposits while telling us it’s only doing this to defend itself.
One death justifies a war between two nations that want to be at war with each other. Does it matter? War is hell and both the innocent and guilty will be tried together. You can either accept that fact, and try to end it as quickly as possible by winning it with all-out force or ignore it with the result being endless war. Which one do you want, you have to pick one, there is no middle ground on that.
One death justifies a war between two nations that want to be at war with each other. Does it matter? War is hell and both the innocent and guilty will be tried together. You can either accept that fact, and try to end it as quickly as possible by winning it with all-out force or ignore it with the result being endless war. Which one do you want, you have to pick one, there is no middle ground on that.
As the girl in *Uncle Vinny* said when on the witness stand: that’s a bullshit question. Pretending violence is the only option available is why we have never ending violence.
No. Hamas does not have the capability to do long term damage to Israel. Hamas talks a bigger game than it has the capability to carry it out.
Talk shit get hit.
Amazing how tolerant you are of radical Muslims threatening to kill Jews. Then when they do you cry when Israel tries to eliminate the threat.

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