Islet Cell Transplant - Doc advice needed


Nov 21, 2001
Isn't there a transplant doc on here?

My wife is going for a consult on having this transplant done at Baylor. Would like any info possible.
I have helped poketogist with a couple of traditional pancreas transplants and would consider that option as well before the islet cell. It isn't a easy course either so it is certainly for someone whose diabetes is ruining their life and life expectancy. Be sure you know exactly what you are signing up for.
She has already had a whipple 3 years ago and still has a small neoplasm cyst in the tail of her partial pancreas. She'said experiencing frequent and painful pancreas it is attacks. Basically taking 20-30mg of oxycodone daily to deal with the pain. Not every day but probably 4 out of 7 days per week.
I would probably go ahead and take the pancreas while the neoplasm is small and has not metastasized. I know that she does not want to take pain medication but the amount she is taking is quite small for someone with a problem like she has. Also, she could consider getting celiac plexus lysis for additional pain relief.
Update. She had an EUS and ERCP today to try to remove the Stent from the Whipple surgery. 2 mm Stent is embedded in the pancreas and duct is completely closed when injected with contrast. pancreas is atrophied measuring only 5-7 mm in diameter.

Transplant surgeon to see us in the morning.

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