Is the Youngkin regime for real?


Heisman Candidate
Aug 15, 2021
Do we have another Desantis? I hope but a little wary- like the start. I hate to link yahoo POS commies but I did

He at least learned the lesson Trump didn't. You have to get rid of the key bureaucrats who push the liberal policies, if you want to enact real change.

To be fair, firing 30 is a lot different than firing the entire staff at the DOJ. Would love to see the next Republican President fire every SOB in the DOJ but I'm not sure that is even possible.
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Trump never learned how to get along with his own staff let alone fight the opposition. First rule of you have more troops than the enemy.
I totally agree Trump should have cleaned up and inserted non bureaucrats in there.

In his defense I think the GOP threatened him and said they would all rebel if he cleaned too many out. Just a gut- I have zero proof of this. I think they (GOP) selected POS Pence for Trump and said if he'd have him as the VP they'd support him and work with him- it's how the Evil swamp works.

Next guy needs to get Bob the Butcher to be VP pand clean the F out of the swamp. I think Trump did try somewhat but obviously failed. But again the swamp is so friggin powerful, deep and corrupt- bulldozer would be a good start to fixing that ugly ass place.
Rep. Elaine Luria (D-Va.) told WashPost she's "very concerned" that someone in a position in a university as Heaphy was "would be fired for political reasons."

Except for that Heaphy is not even working for the state of Virginia for three years so that he can work on the Jan 6 committee that is purely political. I'm surprised Rep Luria could not see the irony of her statement.

Scott Surovell, a top Democrat in the Virginia State Senate, told the New York Times: "This is purely payback for Jan. 6 — there is no other reason that makes any sense."

Except that the Jan 6 committee is purely payback on Trump. Again I'm surprised that Sen Surovell could not understand the irony of his statement.

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