Is conservatism a failed ideology?

Part 2:

“An ideology based solely on defense cannot succeed” — very well put.

I think you could say conservatism has failed if you operate under the belief that there is an actual perfect system out there where everyone can prosper equally. But I don't think anyone is dumb enough to believe that. I think conservatism works better than literally anything else (just read through the history books). What you are seeing up there is modern day progressivism. That's not a product of conservatism, more of just a reaction I guess. You are always going to have people that want to rebel against the system or feel like they've been oppressed by the system so they need to fight back (or push forward as they see it). I don't think that's a failure of conservatism, I think that's just a human nature thing.
They are conserving all the time.

Then you should be able to easily list a few things conservatives have conserved.

Can you list some basic examples?

I’m not trying to start an argument or transforming into anyone else.

I’m genuinely interested in knowing things conservatives have conserved. This simple activity will help assess if conservatism is a failed ideology — if it’s had any success at its most basic task.

Perhaps we could say the National Park system, which was created by Teddy Roosevelt, a conservative. (On a side note, have you noticed the neoliberal left has basically abandoned environmentalism in favor of open borders?)
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List some things conservatives have conserved?



Jim Crow.


I'm glad to see someone ask the basic question. I've asked multiple times on here exactly what has conservatism accomplished in our lifetime? Nothing on health care. We see what they do with spending. Look at the decline of our education standing in the world. On a micro scale, have they done some awesome thing in Oklahoma? Only thing arguable is the MAPS deal in OKC that ultimately brought the Thunder, but that was a tax and spend deal and Norick et al that did had nothing in common with these guys.


Jim Crow.


I'm glad to see someone ask the basic question. I've asked multiple times on here exactly what has conservatism accomplished in our lifetime? Nothing on health care. We see what they do with spending. Look at the decline of our education standing in the world. On a micro scale, have they done some awesome thing in Oklahoma? Only thing arguable is the MAPS deal in OKC that ultimately brought the Thunder, but that was a tax and spend deal and Norick et al that did had nothing in common with these guys.

I think I see where this thread is going.
Then you should be able to easily list a few things conservatives have conserved.

Can you list some basic examples?

I’m not trying to start an argument or transforming into anyone else.

I’m genuinely interested in knowing things conservatives have conserved. This simple activity will help assess if conservatism is a failed ideology — if it’s had any success at its most basic task.

Perhaps we could say the National Park system, which was created by Teddy Roosevelt, a conservative. (On a side note, have you noticed the neoliberal left has basically abandoned environmentalism in favor of open borders?)

As the author of the question, you should define the benchmarks and metrics.
As the author of the question, you should define the benchmarks and metrics.

The question is so simple and basic, it doesn’t need benchmarks and metrics.

I’ll ask again:

In plain English, list some things conservatives have conserved.

I provided one example above. The National Park system.
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The question is so simple and basic, it doesn’t need benchmarks and metrics.

I’ll ask again:

In plain English, list some things conservatives have conserved.

I provided one example above. The National Park system.

I've seen this before.
The question is so simple and basic, it doesn’t need benchmarks and metrics.

I’ll ask again:

In plain English, list some things conservatives have conserved.

I provided one example above. The National Park system.
I think you're struggling with definitions.

The bottom line is conservatism has never really been a thing because most that claim the label, have no intention of maintaining a conservative course.

I'm not even sure a true conservative is electable.

Psuedo-cons do seem to periodically stem the flow of filth that's poisoning our nation to a slow drip.

Marxists are going to eventually win this country.
List some things conservatives have conserved?

What have conservatives conserved? Freedom for one. For the life of me I do not understand how the left ignores history and doesn't realize just how fragile freedom has actually been in history. Just because we have grown up in a time and place that has provided us the opportunity does not mean that this kind of freedom has been in place throughout history. In fact this type of freedom has only been around for a couple of hundred years and now leftist in this country have become so comfortable they ignore the lessons of history. Freedom is never free nor is it easy.
What have conservatives conserved? Freedom for one. For the life of me I do not understand how the left ignores history and doesn't realize just how fragile freedom has actually been in history. Just because we have grown up in a time and place that has provided us the opportunity does not mean that this kind of freedom has been in place throughout history. In fact this type of freedom has only been around for a couple of hundred years and now leftist in this country have become so comfortable they ignore the lessons of history. Freedom is never free nor is it easy.

I strongly agree with the intent and spirit of your post.

And you are 100% right that America’s type of freedom is extremely rare throughout history. Almost unheard of freedom, except for a few kings, lords etc.

Taking America’s free speech for granted, is incomprehensible considering how historically rare it is — and how rare it is for the current world.

You could also make a strong case that southern California from the 1940s through the early 1960s is the closest thing the world has ever had to a utopia.

But alas, all of this doesn’t really play into what we are facing in a decade. Thinking long-term is very important.
The question is so simple and basic, it doesn’t need benchmarks and metrics.

I’ll ask again:

In plain English, list some things conservatives have conserved.

I provided one example above. The National Park system.

This all is true. I also liked an NZ post. So... yeah.

24/7 board: Leftists think this, liberals want that, dems want this... all day long with the labels.

A guy asks what have conservatives done: Huh? What's that? Who? More specific please. My goodness, "conservative" is just too broad.

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