Is calling someone a cracker racist?


Heisman Winner
Sep 5, 2001
In light of the Antonio Brown vs. Mike Mayock argument, I was curious. I know if Mayock had called Brown a "N-word", he would have been fired on the spot. Yet calling a guy a cracker seems to be acceptable?
In light of the Antonio Brown vs. Mike Mayock argument, I was curious. I know if Mayock had called Brown a "N-word", he would have been fired on the spot. Yet calling a guy a cracker seems to be acceptable?

The fact that you cannot spell out or say the N word but can spell out and or call someone White a Cracker says a lot about the hypocrisy.
In light of the Antonio Brown vs. Mike Mayock argument, I was curious. I know if Mayock had called Brown a "N-word", he would have been fired on the spot. Yet calling a guy a cracker seems to be acceptable?

Not if you’re anything but a WASP.

The right needs to invent “The Double Standard Award,” have a segment every week pointing out how hypocritical a huge swath of the left is.

The chick from ESPN is getting away with unbelievable crap as well.
In light of the Antonio Brown vs. Mike Mayock argument, I was curious. I know if Mayock had called Brown a "N-word", he would have been fired on the spot. Yet calling a guy a cracker seems to be acceptable?
Do you ever listen to the BONE? Drew discussed it this afternoon and took a pretty hard stance against it as racist as said.
The argument is that whites have dominated the peaceful docile ethnic groups of the world and nothing can be viewed as racist against them.
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The fact that some people become almost militant because a person utters a simple word has always been humorous to me. Then again I was raised to believe that simple words were just that, simple words.
Like me you must be from the era of Lenny Bruce.
“You can’t call anyone a fag unless you’re a fag, fag.” - Mr. Garrison.

Dave Chappelle addressed this recently with respect to the n word. It’s epic.
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Is there a white man alive that actually gets offended at ‘cracker’?

Maybe a better question would be ‘Okie’. Oh, the Okies get all pissed off at that one. Such a demeaning term.
"Cracker" - totally offensive and any non-white using it should be publicly shunned and destroyed.
"Crackka" - perfectly fine when said by any white person. We are simply taking back the power of the word and making it our own.

Actually it isn't offensive to me in the least. I just think anyone actually using it as a pejorative is an ignorant fool; but not a racist.

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