Is Biden Dead???


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Feb 6, 2009
Lots of rumors and conspiracy theories floating around on Twitter/X. Apparently Las Vegas PD was told to prepare a route to a hospital but was then told they were going to John Hopkins instead. A statement about covid was released around this time. None one has seen or hear anything out of him especially with the announcement of him dropping out on Twitter/X.

It will be very interesting to see how this goes tomorrow. Does it actually happen? That might answer your question above. Does he fail miserably relative to communication or showing some improvement being able to project path forward? Then we are probably talking about 25th Amendment. Still believe from a Kamala electorial strategy Biden has to be declared incompetent.

It will be very interesting to see how this goes tomorrow. Does it actually happen? That might answer your question above. Does he fail miserably relative to communication or showing some improvement being able to project path forward? Then we are probably talking about 25th Amendment. Still believe from a Kamala electorial strategy Biden has to be declared incompetent.
nancy pelosi behind the camera of address:

Be Quiet Ben Stiller GIF

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