Iron Fist

I'm going to guess the girl is White Tiger...

Jessica mentioned Angela Del Toro when she was going to reccomend another PI to someone she didn't initially want to help in JJ Season 1.
It is getting pretty bad reviews.

The Brubaker/Fraction/Aja run on Iron Fist is one of my favorite runs ever. I hope it is better than the reviews suggest.
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I couldn't make it past the first couple episodes of Luke Cage. I thought the dialogue and main actor were bad. I was really looking forward to a mystical martial arts show, so hearing this one is poor is really disappointing. Supposedly the main actor is both bad at martial arts and, you know, acting.
I liked Luke Cage.

Not as much as the first two, but I liked it. I really liked how often they had "live" performances in Harlem's Paradise.
I couldn't make it past the first couple episodes of Luke Cage. I thought the dialogue and main actor were bad. I was really looking forward to a mystical martial arts show, so hearing this one is poor is really disappointing. Supposedly the main actor is both bad at martial arts and, you know, acting.
The reviewers are going off only the first 6 episodes. I think you have to see the entire season before you can give an honest review on these shows.
How many of the bad reviews are basically just SJW cultural appropriation bullshit?
What exactly are the problems of Marvel's other shows?

I feel like I live in the smack dab middle of their target audience and I enjoyed about 95% of the other 52 episodes they've done.
I've watched 3 shows and it's pretty good. I'd say it's as good as Jessica Jones was at that point.
Two episodes in. It's awful. I could fake king fu better than this yoga instructor.

I loved all of the others.
I am about halfway in and pretty disappointed so far. Going to power through just for the sake of The Defenders.
The choreography is weak
It's not SJWs. It just crap.

If you can't find a white guy that can fight convincingly, mix it up. They had options that were masters at this stuff. Terrible casting all around.

Best acting so far is the homeless guy and the mental dude that tried to fork him.
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I finally endured/finished this and I can say it did not get any better after the halfway point at all. If anything it got worse.

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