iranian sanctions


Heisman Winner
Oct 13, 2015
appeasing those bastards the last eight years didn’t work so well

i’d like to see otards peeps tell us what a great idea his nuclear deal with iran was

as opposed to squeezing their ass

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nary a peep

no outrage at this mind numbingly piss poor management of world affairs

remember all the fear mongering?

“OMG trump will have his finger on the button”

people that back trump a concerned about iran noko

libtards they’re concerned about what?



or getting everybody a trophy???
If we get nuked by missiles from North Korea, it'll be by missiles built with technology given (correction: sold) to China by Bill Clinton,

Funded by Iran with money Obama gave them,

With warheads developed from uranium sold to Russia by Hillary

And refined by Iran into weapons-grade plutonium in Russian centrifuges

bought with money Obama gave them.

And Trump's trying to undo this shit storm...but he's the Traitor!?!?


what if...
I knew the politicos that negotiated the Iran deal had been duped by Iran's nuclear mastermind when it was revealed that the Iran deal allowed Iran to develop their IR-6 and IR-8 centrifuges. The deal limits them to one IR-8 centrifuge, but once they are able to perfect the technology, it's nothing to mass produce them. The Iran deal gave them the needed cash to fund the IR-8 program, which is up to 24 times more efficient than their current IR-1 centrifuges for enriching uranium above 90%.

Iran is either foolishly wasting money developing something that won't add any value to a peaceful nuclear program, or they're spending their money for the necessary investment to efficiently produce high grade fissile material for nuclear weapons. I'm pretty sure we know the answer to that.
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I knew the politicos that negotiated the Iran deal had been duped by Iran's nuclear mastermind when it was revealed that the Iran deal allowed Iran to develop their IR-6 and IR-8 centrifuges. The deal limits them to one IR-8 centrifuge, but once they are able to perfect the technology, it's nothing to mass produce them. The Iran deal gave them the needed cash to fund the IR-8 program, which is up to 24 times more efficient than their current IR-1 centrifuges for enriching uranium above 90%.

Iran is either foolishly wasting money developing something that won't add any value to a peaceful nuclear program, or they're spending their money for the necessary investment to efficiently produce high grade fissile material for nuclear weapons. I'm pretty sure we know the answer to that.

/U.S\., Russia, Britain, Germany, France, China and the European Union

Seemed like something we could actually build upon diplomatically...weird...

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