Looks like @HighStickHarry has been missing Dez nuts on his forehead. My Vacation break was worth putting on hold for this. I know most of you will la la la this away, who could have predicted this.
Looks like @HighStickHarry has been missing Dez nuts on his forehead. My Vacation break was worth putting on hold for this. I know most of you will la la la this away, who could have predicted this.
Looks like @HighStickHarry has been missing Dez nuts on his forehead. My Vacation break was worth putting on hold for this. I know most of you will la la la this away, who could have predicted this.
Exactly, and also, how is it possible to obstruct an investigation of crimes not commited?Assuming innocent until proven guilty, how can any investigative result that doesn't recommend charges be considered anything but exoneration?
Such crap.
They waited on Mueller like Moses coming down with the tablets, now he's persona non grata.
Make him testify and move on, geez.
Leftys are exhausting.
Looks like @HighStickHarry has been missing Dez nuts on his forehead. My Vacation break was worth putting on hold for this. I know most of you will la la la this away, who could have predicted this.
Scandal # n squared that will go nowhere. Such a swamp of corruption and deceptive intentions and at the end of the day he literally can shoot a guy on 5th Ave. and the Senate/Mitch McConnell will prevent any consequences. Hell Trump et al I guess is now saying do NOT release it? After saying release it before it was published? The most egregious hypocrisy I've ever seen and it's lost in the fog of his other lunacy.
LOL surely they're not gonna hold that report back. I've never given serious consideration to the idea of them not more or less releasing it all. Surely not. They could, though -- Barr could say, "I'm not releasing shit, you have my letter" and the GOP Senate would allow it.
Barr should completely ignore the democrats even if they hold him in contempt. That’s the new standard, right?
Full release of that report will destroy the Grand Jury process in this country. The Marxists know it. It's their intent.
I don't watch or listen to Hannity. But I see how you cowards dox innocent people every day. It's pathetic.
Why so salty? Cowards? Who got doxed?
Looks like @HighStickHarry has been missing Dez nuts on his forehead. My Vacation break was worth putting on hold for this. I know most of you will la la la this away, who could have predicted this.
I’ve been waiting for one of the useful idiots to pop off about this. Enjoy.Pokeabear and Sys:
You might want to read this post by Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone, no right wing zealot, he. Perhaps it will help to return you to a position of sanity in the real world. Your Russiagate fantasy has become seriously detrimental to your mental health. It’s time to let it go and turn your attention to legitimate reasons to oppose our Dear Leader. Your insistence on continuing to propogate an obviously false story is not in your best interest.
The dems and repubes who want to see everything should start by divulging everything in the $17 million slush fund for Congress to pay off on the sexual impropriaties of its members.I'll support a full release. At the same time, all government docs including redacted docs from prior administrations should be published. If we want government transparancy, lets do it for ALL items, not just the select few related to this one investigation. We should publish EVERY document ever sent to the FISA courts. If the Democrats are for total transparancy of all government actions, then I stand with them and support them on this. If its just for the Mueller report, then they are a bunch of F'n hypocrites.
How many other stories using anonymous sources has the NYT published which turn out to be
The dems and repubes who want to see everything should start by divulging everything in the $17 million slush fund for Congress to pay off on the sexual impropriaties of its members.
Empty Wheel? Sounds about right.I’ve been waiting for one of the useful idiots to pop off about this. Enjoy.
Had to be Weisman since he has a history of withholding exculpatory information.
Looks like @HighStickHarry has been missing Dez nuts on his forehead. My Vacation break was worth putting on hold for this. I know most of you will la la la this away, who could have predicted this.
Why so salty? Cowards? Who got doxed?
Looks like @HighStickHarry has been missing Dez nuts on his forehead. My Vacation break was worth putting on hold for this. I know most of you will la la la this away, who could have predicted this.