First game after 9/11, OSU - Texas A&M, I was there, it was incredible. I just happened to walk up to the stadium at the exact gate and time the Cadets were marching on to the field. Everyone stopped and took off their hats and stood respectfully as they came in, and it took a long time for them to march in. You can see in that photo on the lower right hand sign in front of the 'T" in the end-zone some orange and that is where OSU ticket office tickets were, and it is that area of the end-zone (further to the right off the picture) they came in, so many OSU fans stopped and stood reverently for the Cadets to march in. There was not a dry eye on those Cadets and for those that stood respectfully as they marched in. The A&M hospitality that week-end was just incredible, it was not about the game at all. It was about doing what we do as Americans and celebrating our traditions, and praying that none of those Cadets walking on the field that day never lost their life in a foreign war, and a deep sense of loss for the lives lost in NYC. It was unlike any event I ever attended, this was national and international in terms of impact. I was at the Mizzou game after the plane crash as well, another incredible experience. I look at that picture below and I remember those cadets marching in, tears, EVERYONE buying up those T-Shirts and making sure they had the right color, adults buying students a shirt if they could not afford one (I bought some for some A&M students) and sitting not far from Tatum Bell's parents. I remember mentally flipping the bird to terrorists. The Southwest plane I flew on for this trip, it was the first day they opened the airports after 9/11, flew out early out of OKC and we had about 5 passengers, it was like our private jet, Kyle Keller was on that flight and we talked some hoops.