Interesting article on mental illness

It's criminal, imo, that psychology isn't a required class in high schools. It certainly ought to be three hours on everyone's degree plan. Maybe six. Spend a semester, instead of a couple of class meetings on child development, family dynamics, personality, social psych or behavior management.

Many mental issues ARE the result of not having coping skills. Sadly, most parents don't have good coping skills to pass along. That's why some problems appear genetic when they are actually examples of bad parenting skills being handed down from generation to generation.

"Be a man. Don't let stuff get to you," and "Don't worry about it. It'll be better when your period is over," are not the life-skills they need when boys and girls ask their parents about problems they're having.

Some of the more serious mental problems do have a strong genetic component. Schizophrenia, for example, has predictable odds of occurrence in families with the disease.

One high school psych class isn't going to immunize every student against the consequences of poor personal choices and weak coping skills. It might, however, help to minimize the stigma of going to get some professional counseling when life is throwing too much at a person at one time.
It's criminal, imo, that psychology isn't a required class in high schools. It certainly ought to be three hours on everyone's degree plan. Maybe six. Spend a semester, instead of a couple of class meetings on child development, family dynamics, personality, social psych or behavior management.

Many mental issues ARE the result of not having coping skills. Sadly, most parents don't have good coping skills to pass along. That's why some problems appear genetic when they are actually examples of bad parenting skills being handed down from generation to generation.

"Be a man. Don't let stuff get to you," and "Don't worry about it. It'll be better when your period is over," are not the life-skills they need when boys and girls ask their parents about problems they're having.

Some of the more serious mental problems do have a strong genetic component. Schizophrenia, for example, has predictable odds of occurrence in families with the disease.

One high school psych class isn't going to immunize every student against the consequences of poor personal choices and weak coping skills. It might, however, help to minimize the stigma of going to get some professional counseling when life is throwing too much at a person at one time.

I strongly agree with this

That being said it seems to be mission impossible to even teach our kids to eat right
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Interesting article.
I do think a psych and life skills class would have great benefit. IMO, there should not be any discussion about adding more required classes in HS until students have at least a year, preferably more, with financial literacy and personal financial management.

Although I agree with you about "Be a man. Don't let stuff get to you" potentially being a problem. I also think in today's society, unfortunately, we are creating a coddle-generation with millennials and have, in some cases, gone overboard the other way. Some of the stuff happening in colleges this year are a great example of that effect.
Just curious, why do you believe the American family has broken down? Or maybe I should ask what you see that indicates families have broken down?
Instead of "being a man" kids are hearing "don't take the blame it's not your fault."

Safe spaces, participation trophies and whatnot.

And the alternative hard working lucky strike smoking alcoholic ways of being an emotionally disconnected man are equally damaging

So let's find some middle ground between wussification and life in the coal mine holler.
Just curious, why do you believe the American family has broken down? Or maybe I should ask what you see that indicates families have broken down?
I remember a Sociology class I had at OSU with Dr. Bynum. We discussed in depth the major institutions that make up a society - family, religion, economy, gov't and education. None of these can exist without first being started by a family. The biggest break down is the number of kids being raised by a single parent, primarily the mom. This leads to not only deprivation of income , but development when the father is missing. There are some single mothers (if it seems I'm picking on absent fathers, I am, they're the main culprits) who do a great job, but when they have the burden of being the sole provider, and more times than not it invokes rebellion, poverty, (which leads to many gov't implemented programs), lack of discipline or poorly administering discipline, mental issues with children, relationship issues, coping skills and lack of oversight on what your children are doing, and also not doing. The latter can, without a doubt, be applied to two parent households.

AC kind of hit a part of it with the wussification of America. With these kids not having a chance, society is forced to do it for them, which leads to more and more dependency because this is all these kids see. These kids are then told they need medication and counseling. I don't know about you but I there seem to be a lot more mental issues with kids nowadays than when i was growing up.

Being an accountable parent, provider and role model for kids is where it all starts. I'm not the perfect dad and we hit a couple damn rough roads raising our kids, but there's no way I would have wanted my wife to go though it alone.
Instead of "being a man" kids are hearing "don't take the blame it's not your fault."

Safe spaces, participation trophies and whatnot.
If I hear another soccer mom ask her unruly son "is that a good choice, Chase?" I'm going to phucking lose it. Maybe I wasn't taught effective coping skills.
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@TPOKE, what can be done to bring the family back from where ever it is?

I'm not trying to be argumentative, but I wonder if there are things we can do to achieve the goal of keeping families together (which I also support) without trying to legislate beliefs and attitudes?

If religion is to be one of the five pillars of a society, do all people in that society have to be followers of the same religion?