If you pull prayer and religion out of the class room you need not take away the rights of parents to teach about the hardware. Religion is not science, people that identify themselves differently then their DNA is outside of known science. Science knows your exact gender, the known science should be taught, straight to the facts and over. It should be a parents right to teach identifying other then what your DNA is no differently then religion. Some may feel gender identity is a religious issue, and you may disagree with that but it does not give anyone the right to throw religion out of the class room under sacred parenting rights and replace it with this. Once you open the door...give an inch and take a mile. We see teachers at the college level teaching their personal extreme political views, it should not start with young kids and taking away the rights of parents to have this discussion. Young kids can be extremely mean, just opening this can of worms when perhaps they are too young to comprehend and be given proper parental direction and potential brain washing different then the beliefs of a parent is wrong. We do not need kids thinking at a young age that choosing a gender is as easy as picking out a pair of shoes and that is ok when they are unable to properly process the implications. I believe you have someone gay in your household? I seem to remember that, could be wrong. So, do not take this personal and respect the rights of parents to parent and teach their kids no differently then what has happened in the class room over prayer and religion.