In Which an ACLU Director Learns...

Notice how the LGBT activist's response was name calling in the typical liberal fashion?
White fragility.

Hey by the way, how do you access white privileges? I've kind of been saving them for a rainy day but don't really know how they work. Is there a punch card?

Second this, I'm ready for my half a million dollar home in the mountains and unlimited credit I never have to pay back.
Second this, I'm ready for my half a million dollar home in the mountains and unlimited credit I never have to pay back.

Nooo Problemooo! The poodle, I and my other brothers: Darrell and Darrell, the horse we rode in on, and a couple of tri-delt exes have just executed all the paperwork for you to get it. Your free shit is in the mail; any problems call BR-549 or one of the douche socialists: Bern or Liar.:D
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