Optics over sound policy. Great job, Barry. A legacy that I'm sure will keep you smiling like a donkey.
Nothing says success like ensuring the Islamic leaders of Iran have the funds to continue their nuclear weapon quest unabated while also ensuring their terrorist organizations have the needed funds to thrive and disrupt the Mideast. It's not a secret that Iran and the Russians made Barry look like a retard in Syria.
*warning, very long read, but very informative. It illustrates the misguided incompetence of an administration that was comparable to an 8 year old girl who thought that getting pregnant by the time she was 9 was something smart.
Nothing says success like ensuring the Islamic leaders of Iran have the funds to continue their nuclear weapon quest unabated while also ensuring their terrorist organizations have the needed funds to thrive and disrupt the Mideast. It's not a secret that Iran and the Russians made Barry look like a retard in Syria.
*warning, very long read, but very informative. It illustrates the misguided incompetence of an administration that was comparable to an 8 year old girl who thought that getting pregnant by the time she was 9 was something smart.
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