In Iowa, Trump triumphs


MegaPoke is insane
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May 29, 2001
Edmond, Oklahoma
February 4, 2020
In Iowa, Trump triumphs
By Monica Showalter

As Democrats melt down in Iowa, unable to competently tally their winner, and battle a base deeply suspicious of them, one winner has handily emerged:

President Trump.

He's clocked in with just about all of the Republican vote, a tremendous vote of confidence from his party all by itself.

According to Fox News:

President Trump easily defeated his primary rivals in Monday’s Iowa Republican caucuses, in the first indication that those attempting to take on the president inside his own party stand a slim chance of making headway against the incumbent.

Iowa results showed the president winning with roughly 97 percent of the vote over former Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld and former Illinois congressman Joe Walsh. The primary challengers walked away with about 1 percent each.

Better still, the participation rate in Iowa, with more than 30,000 caucus tallies, tops that of President Obama at his peak, who won about 25,000 in his heyday.

Fox News adds:

Iowa is considered a swing state in the general election. It was narrowly carried by the Democrats in the 2000 election and narrowly by Republicans in 2004. Then-Sen. Barack Obama captured the state by 6 points in 2012. And Trump won Iowa in 2016 by nearly 10 points.

Which is very bad news for the Democrats, who may well see the same pattern happening across the country.

Trump was fully aware of it, too, as Real Clear Poltics reported from the ground:

“The good people of Iowa have had a front-row seat to the lunacy and the madness of the totally sick left,” he declared before accusing Democrats of “not caring about farmers.”

This, he told an adoring crowd while slipping into third person, was why “you should love Trump, with what I've done. We're going to win the great state of Iowa, and it's going to be a historic landslide.” And if the opposite should happen, Trump predicted that “your farms are going to hell, I can tell you right now.”
Here was the focused, Mamba-mentality attitude coming from Trump campaign operative Tim Murtaugh, who runs the communications operation:

The president seemed to lay off progressive favorites Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who leads the polls in Iowa, and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who has slipped to fourth. But the Trump campaign has maintained from the beginning that it doesn’t care who wins the nomination.

“It doesn’t matter to us which nominee gets thrown free from the wreckage on that side,” Murtaugh insisted in a sentiment that Trump later echoed: “We will make sure that they face another crushing defeat.”

Now we have Trump's Twitter reaction to Iowa - driving the stake in:

Donald J. Trump


The Democrat Caucus is an unmitigated disaster. Nothing works, just like they ran the Country. Remember the 5 Billion Dollar Obamacare Website, that should have cost 2% of that. The only person that can claim a very big victory in Iowa last night is “Trump”.


5:33 AM - Feb 4, 2020
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33.5K people are talking about this

In other words, winning.

For all the news coverage about the Iowa caucuses and how the Democrats were doing, out emerges the real story.
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February 4, 2020
In Iowa, Trump triumphs
By Monica Showalter

As Democrats melt down in Iowa, unable to competently tally their winner, and battle a base deeply suspicious of them, one winner has handily emerged:

President Trump.

He's clocked in with just about all of the Republican vote, a tremendous vote of confidence from his party all by itself.

According to Fox News:

President Trump easily defeated his primary rivals in Monday’s Iowa Republican caucuses, in the first indication that those attempting to take on the president inside his own party stand a slim chance of making headway against the incumbent.

Iowa results showed the president winning with roughly 97 percent of the vote over former Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld and former Illinois congressman Joe Walsh. The primary challengers walked away with about 1 percent each.

Better still, the participation rate in Iowa, with more than 30,000 caucus tallies, tops that of President Obama at his peak, who won about 25,000 in his heyday.

Fox News adds:

Iowa is considered a swing state in the general election. It was narrowly carried by the Democrats in the 2000 election and narrowly by Republicans in 2004. Then-Sen. Barack Obama captured the state by 6 points in 2012. And Trump won Iowa in 2016 by nearly 10 points.

Which is very bad news for the Democrats, who may well see the same pattern happening across the country.

Trump was fully aware of it, too, as Real Clear Poltics reported from the ground:

“The good people of Iowa have had a front-row seat to the lunacy and the madness of the totally sick left,” he declared before accusing Democrats of “not caring about farmers.”

This, he told an adoring crowd while slipping into third person, was why “you should love Trump, with what I've done. We're going to win the great state of Iowa, and it's going to be a historic landslide.” And if the opposite should happen, Trump predicted that “your farms are going to hell, I can tell you right now.”
Here was the focused, Mamba-mentality attitude coming from Trump campaign operative Tim Murtaugh, who runs the communications operation:

The president seemed to lay off progressive favorites Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who leads the polls in Iowa, and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who has slipped to fourth. But the Trump campaign has maintained from the beginning that it doesn’t care who wins the nomination.

“It doesn’t matter to us which nominee gets thrown free from the wreckage on that side,” Murtaugh insisted in a sentiment that Trump later echoed: “We will make sure that they face another crushing defeat.”

Now we have Trump's Twitter reaction to Iowa - driving the stake in:

Donald J. Trump


The Democrat Caucus is an unmitigated disaster. Nothing works, just like they ran the Country. Remember the 5 Billion Dollar Obamacare Website, that should have cost 2% of that. The only person that can claim a very big victory in Iowa last night is “Trump”.


5:33 AM - Feb 4, 2020
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33.5K people are talking about this

In other words, winning.

For all the news coverage about the Iowa caucuses and how the Democrats were doing, out emerges the real story.

If the Democratic bosses don't get out of the way of Democratic voters, they may just help re-elect Trump.

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