"In 2021, the first year of the Biden-Harris admin, cartels made $13 Billion off human trafficking"

Oct 31, 2022

Question for libs who can put logic ahead of their politics: If the cartels made $13 Billion in ONE YEAR due to lax security at the border, is it logical to assume that the cartels also bribed certain politicians in the United States to make it easier for them to profit off human trafficking?

According to Crenshaw, the cartels made $550 M off human trafficking in 2018 under Trump. We also know that human trafficking arrests increased dramatically under Trump.

So logically, doesn't that suggest that the cartels bought off politicians since 2021 to support lax border security?

Further, since there were more arrests under Trump, doesn't this also suggest that the cartels could NOT do this while Trump was in charge?

Libs you need to wake up to the fact that the people you support are evil.
Look no further than the massive amounts of tax payer dollars Democrats are giving to NGOs to encourage and support illegal immigration. Look at the people running these NGO's, what there salaries are and who they are and have been associated with. Then look into the amount of tax payer dollars Democrats are giving to immigration attorneys to provide "free" legal representation to illegals. Not only are the cartels making billions but the Democrat machine is bilking the tax payers out of billions for their own benefit. Would be interested to see how much of this money is finding it's way back into Democrat campaign coffers.

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