Illegals trying to buy children to cross border

Liberals do not care about illegals, never have. Democrats use and sacrifice people like pawns in order to gain the power they so crave. Look at the black communities after 50 to 60 years of Democrats supposedly caring about them. Those communities are worse off than they were when Democrats supposedly started caring for them. Single mothers, abortion, poverty, violent crime, crime, education and a whole list to long to mention.
Wow. You guys are real experts on third-world life. Must be from growing up in small town Oklahoma.
Surprised there is no altruistic humanity being shown by @07pilt or @Syskatine up in here.

Maybe there is and it's just at such a high frequency that we can't hear it.

Again.... Wolf! Wolf!

Here are some new developments if you really care:
Agree totally on Memphis.

This is one thing that irritates me with the Seattle/Oklahoma City NBA controversy. No one is arguing that Oklahoma City is a more world-class destination than Seattle. Seattle is a great American city. But OKC isn't bad either.

But it amazes me no one brings this up with Memphis. Vancouver is ten times nicer than Memphis. How did the Grizzlies end up there? Great BBQ (Hello, Elwood's)....but a dodgy area.
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I wonder how the immigrants first and free everything narrative is going to play with the working class and union members of Michigan, Wisconsin or Pennsylvania?

The same people who crossed over in 2016 to elect Trump. Dems are going down a path to secure the nomination I don't think they can come back from in the general.
Again.... Wolf! Wolf!

Here are some new developments if you really care:

That's a terrible situation. I still have never heard anyone articulate anything like a specific alternative plan for dealing with them. And again long term, their presence there lies at the feet of Republicans who wanted slave labor, democrats who wanted votes, and foreign families who put themselves and their children in danger to break the law and illegally enter a sovereign nation.

Also - wolf my ass. You in no way addressed the rent a kid problem. Human trafficking etc. Are you saying it's not real?
Also - wolf my ass. You in no way addressed the rent a kid problem. Human trafficking etc. Are you saying it's not real?

I'm saying nothing from your information ecosystem is credible and I'm done wasting time reading it. We've been through this how many times?
Again.... Wolf! Wolf!

Here are some new developments if you really care:

What do you expect when 100K month are coming across the border taking advantage of loopholes in our immigration laws. Trump has been trying to you dumbass liberals there was a crisis on the border for months and as usual Democrats chose to play politics If anyone is responsible it is Democrats in Washington that put their political ambitions above the welfare of people.
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There’s been several shootings in brick town.

We go to Memphis pretty much every fall break. I haven’t once felt concerned for my safety. Now are there parts of Memphis I wouldn’t go near? Absolutely.

Consider yourself lucky. May not happen everynight but its still a dangerous place.
I'm saying nothing from your information ecosystem is credible and I'm done wasting time reading it. We've been through this how many times?
Gawddamn such a nut.

Fukin drag on society level nutty.