Bahahahaha. Checkmate.
No more like selective editing with a purpose. Which makes him kind of a liar.
Here is the entirety of the quote of mine he edited.
In blowing up the Republicans at the Presidential level during this election, Trumpers may have also guaranteed a Dmeocratic majority in both the House and Senate along with at least 4 years of Hillary.
I'm with @long-duc-dong though. Whatever happens, I don't see it changing how I live my life much. Hopefully either candidate winning results in a pox on both their houses and we see them both burnt to the ground (metaphorically speaking of course).
Besides, I have more important things to worry about. Do I need to make any additions to my zombie apocalypse bug-out bag to be ready for the coming creepy clownapalypse?
The quote he claims is me predicting Hillary would win and me being bamboozled my the MSM is really a quote that says I didn’t know who was going to win, and that I disliked both of them, and that whomever won wouldn’t change how I live much.
There is a checkmate here though. @NZ Poke has revealed himself to be actively deceptive in his posting rather than a supposed searcher for the truth.