Ilhan Omar gives Walz the warm-fuzzies

What a looser.

That alone should be enough to disqualify him from any elected office but as long as he has a D beside his name Democrat voters will vote for him.
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Anti-liberal, traditional American man. My family would probably all still be democrats if it weren’t for the baby-killing feminists and fa.ggots.
If I understand you correctly you're saying you're not "for" any political ideology, only against one, the "liberal" ideology. Would you please explain to us what the liberal ideology is, what are its axiomatic principles and what it is about those principles that makes you anti-liberal?
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If I understand you correctly you're saying you're not "for" any political ideology, only against one, the "liberal" ideology. Would you please explain to us what the liberal ideology is, what are its axiomatic principles and what it is about those principles that makes you anti-liberal?

1. Pro abortion
2. Normalization of homosexuality, transsexuality, and various other perversions
3. Supports flooding the country with hordes of illegal aliens from shithole countries
4. Supports the globalclimatewarmingchange hoax
5. Supports forced wealth redistribution
6. Basically excuses people for their failures in life, unless you’re a straight white guy, then it’s all your fault.

Why I’m against these things:

1. Basic humanity
2. Basic humanity
3. Causes increase in crime, illegitimate births, broken families, and an overall rotting of the American culture
4. I’m not going to make sacrifices for a fake crisis.
5. I prefer to hang on to the money I’ve worked hard for. I’m willing to pay taxes for first responders, military, schools, and infrastructure, since these things are not susceptible to individual ownership. But people need to learn how to provide food and shelter for themselves.
6. People need to be responsible for themselves. Straight white men are not villains, nor are they the cause of problems.
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1. Pro abortion
2. Normalization of homosexuality, transsexuality, and various other perversions
3. Supports flooding the country with hordes of illegal aliens from shithole countries
4. Supports the globalclimatewarmingchange hoax
5. Supports forced wealth redistribution
6. Basically excuses people for their failures in life, unless you’re a straight white guy, then it’s all your fault.

Why I’m against these things:

1. Basic humanity
2. Basic humanity
3. Causes increase in crime, illegitimate births, broken families, and an overall rotting of the American culture
4. I’m not going to make sacrifices for a fake crisis.
5. I prefer to hang on to the money I’ve worked hard for. I’m willing to pay taxes for first responders, military, schools, and infrastructure, since these things are not susceptible to individual ownership. But people need to learn how to provide food and shelter for themselves.
6. People need to be responsible for themselves. Straight white men are not villains, nor are they the cause of problems.
That is a commendable list of policies you find abhorrent. What I’m asking you to do is supply the axiomatic philosophical principle that leads to those policies. Can you identify it and explain why it leads an ideology to go off the rails?
That is a commendable list of policies you find abhorrent. What I’m asking you to do is supply the axiomatic philosophical principle that leads to those policies. Can you identify it and explain why it leads an ideology to go off the rails?
I don’t know that there is any, as liberals are not rational people. What I’ve listed (by no means an exhaustive list) are issues that are nonnegotiable for liberals, and therefore definitive of them.
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He gives the Lamestream CCP/Dim State Run Media the Cuddly Joyous Warm Fuzzies too.
Absolutely pathetic.
They all parrot the same damn things ha ha ha. And Conservatives are the Cult. 🤣🤣🤣
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He gives the Lamestream CCP/Dim State Run Media the Cuddly Joyous Warm Fuzzies too.
Absolutely pathetic.
They all parrot the same damn things ha ha ha. And Conservatives are the Cult. 🤣🤣🤣

A perfect example of the DNC media telling their pawns what to think. Sounded a lot like @my__2cents in that video.

Side note: Remember when Joe Scarborough was a right-leaning centrist? I used to watch "Scarborough Country" every day and it was a decent show on MSNBC. Then Joe became a simp for Mika. What a p-whipped dummy. All for a chick.

Also hard to believe that Michael Savage had a (great) show on MSNBC too.
A perfect example of the DNC media telling their pawns what to think. Sounded a lot like @my__2cents in that video.

Side note: Remember when Joe Scarborough was a right-leaning centrist? I used to watch "Scarborough Country" every day and it was a decent show on MSNBC. Then Joe became a simp for Mika. What a p-whipped dummy. All for a chick.

Also hard to believe that Michael Savage had a (great) show on MSNBC too.
People like 2turds easily fall for this crap. If all the lamestream media was telling me what they are saying to the easily manipulated I would know that its bad and would run from it.
Funny thing is liberals used to be anti Corporate America but now embrace them and do what they tell them to do.
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