If you are not familiar with this supreme court case, you might want to. It's big.


Oct 15, 2003
Freshly ensconced in a beautiful home on the Snake river high in the Rockies with an early "trout" date in the morning I thought I might give ole P-Dan some homework so he can get out in front of this like he is daily, at least when it pertains to radical muslims.

Look up supreme court case 22-380, a case about Congress' treason. Loy Brunson has been nearly beat to physical and financial death by the criminals this case will impact. Considering every member of congress will be smacked down (at best) is the least of the nuclear damage to be done. I urge the P-man to study up on this. I don't want another "wtf" are you talking about with respect to the Israelis abandoning the Gaza.
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Everything I'm seeing using Google says the SCOTUS has denied hearing the case. You have something different?
Same. I hadn't looked at that case in at least a year, so just went to the Twitters to get an update. Only thing new is a buncha losses at the SC.

I appreciate the tenacity of the Brunson bros, but until we at least get a dissention or 2 when the lawsuits get bounced, I see no reason to pay attention to this case. Would love to see that change, but so far it has a pretty good track record to go on.
Same. I hadn't looked at that case in at least a year, so just went to the Twitters to get an update. Only thing new is a buncha losses at the SC.

I appreciate the tenacity of the Brunson bros, but until we at least get a dissention or 2 when the lawsuits get bounced, I see no reason to pay attention to this case. Would love to see that change, but so far it has a pretty good track record to go on.
It has not been dismissed. You will need to look well beyond Google as they have a ton to lose if the Brunson's win. Google was but now is not your friend.
It has not been dismissed. You will need to look well beyond Google as they have a ton to lose if the Brunson's win. Google was but now is not your friend.
Ok show me the link of what you've got. Twitters said it was just bounced again by the SC with once again no dissents.
Ok show me the link of what you've got. Twitters said it was just bounced again by the SC with once again no dissents.
I can not post the specific articles that have led me to my conclusion. I commit, if you like, to dig up some of the more recent stories that support my position. I am not asking you to believe it on blind faith.
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I can not post the specific articles that have led me to my conclusion. I commit, if you like, to dig up some of the more recent stories that support my position. I am not asking you to believe it on blind faith.
I didn't see anything on Twitter just now that led me to believe anything had changed with the case. I saw several mentions of "OMG it's at a secret location!!!!!" and I dunno wtf that's supposed to mean.

I've seen nothing to tell me it's going anywhere. I will look to Thomas, Alito and Gorsuch to signal if the case has a pulse. If they ever dissent or make any movement that suggests the case has merit, then I will pay attention.

Until then, good luck to the rest of you.
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