If Hillary Clinton were to be elected president...


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
... she would be the same age as Ronald Regan when Reagan took office. If elected, Clinton would be 69 when she took office, just a few months younger than Reagan was when he took office.
if that cockroach wins the presidential election then the United States is completely lost itself.
*not voting for hillary

The US has already gone to political crap. There are no good options. I will leave it at that to prevent a major politics discussion. I am beyond all disgust at everybody in DC. Total CF.
People would move to Canada and all doctors would quit/retire.......just like in 2008 and 2012 when nobody did either of those things
People threatened to move to Canada in 2004. Plenty of doctors have retired early (or they've gone to concierge style practices).

This post was edited on 3/14 3:05 PM by Marshal Jim Duncan
Originally posted by MegaPoke:
I don't disagree but I'm going to move this to the politics board later. Interesting point about her age which people used as a negative with Reagan though.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
A central focus of her husband's first campaign was to convince voters how old and out of touch GHW Bush was.
Originally posted by purkey:
if that cockroach wins the presidential election then the United States is completely lost itself.
Personally, I think it is a little too late for your statement.....we completely lost ourselves in 2012......this would only be further confirmation IMO....
Plenty of doctors eh? I'll make it easy for me 10 concierge doctors in the state of Oklahoma.
Originally posted by SamuraiFred:
Plenty of doctors eh? I'll make it easy for me 10 concierge doctors in the state of Oklahoma.
I probably couldn't name 10 doctors period outside the orthopedic surgery center where my wife works. Here are a few I am aware of:

Steven Gawey & Christine Franden

Mike & John Hubner

Dan (or Don?) Roller
Originally posted by purkey:
if that cockroach wins the presidential election then the United States is completely lost itself.
God help us all if we have another stretch like we did under Bill. Booming economy, peace, big surplus.... why would anybody want to return to that?
Originally posted by syskatine:

Originally posted by purkey:
if that cockroach wins the presidential election then the United States is completely lost itself.
God help us all if we have another stretch like we did under Bill. Booming economy, peace, big surplus.... why would anybody want to return to that?
Her entire appeal as a candidate is: I'm a woman and I'm married to Bill Clinton (a serial philanderer). Pretty amusing for such an alleged feminist hero.
Any president would've done well during the Clinton era. Technology boom was happening no matter who was in the White House.
Originally posted by TPOKE:
Any president would've done well during the Clinton era. Technology boom was happening no matter who was in the White House.
There's a lot of truth in that. And the path was laid by the Reagan era rate cuts. BUT, Clinton had the good sense to cut capital gains tax rates against his wife's wishes and to listen to a Robert Rubin/Phil Gramm/Eugene Ludwig on Glass-Steagall. Unfortunately he also listened to Ludwig on the expansion of CRA. He also scrapped Hillary's doomed healthcare plan.

Clinton is a superstar compared to the current clown. His wife would be a loser with Sidney Blumemthal acting as her Valerie Jarrett.
Its also worth noting that Clinton (Bill) had a Republican congress and that both sides governed to the middle, rather than constantly double-downing on their extreme positions (like our current Rs and Ds).


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