If a Blue wave occurs...


Heisman Winner
Sep 5, 2001
I asked this in a different thread, but it boiled down into a pissing match between a few posters so I'll ask this again. If the Dem blue wave holds (which I predict Dems net about 35 seats), do the Dems elect Pelosi as their speaker? I've seen Lavine (D in Florida) run ads against Pelosi. The military guy from Pennsylvania and an upstate New Yorker had also focused on being 'moderate' Democrats and not in the Pelosi mode. So I ask my Dem colleagues here: Does Pelosi get SOTH?
Yes, she gets it. Unless there is a black handicapped women, the left would never vote against her.
Can’t imagine they kick her to the curb.....she is good for fund raising and plastic surgeons and they won’t mess that up.

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