I will eliminate income taxes on Social Security

Never have quite understood why they tax SS? It's meant for retirement. Seems like it should be a thanks for working and contributing to the overall system? Or am I just missing something?
Never have quite understood why they tax SS? It's meant for retirement. Seems like it should be a thanks for working and contributing to the overall system? Or am I just missing something?
Politicians in Washington look at the people as a source of income. They tax everything they can think of to get their corrupt grubby paws on as much money as they can.
Never have quite understood why they tax SS? It's meant for retirement. Seems like it should be a thanks for working and contributing to the overall system? Or am I just missing something?
Then there's medicare. Medicaid for the millions of ugly bitches who have multiple turd burglers with the thugs they "dearly" love. Drain on our society. With the the threat constant threat to social security which hard working folk make possible. Sleepy and Alejandro opened the gates for millions who benefit from what you and I now have to pay for. Yet, kamalla smiles while selling her grift. Dimms grift.
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