I Was Reading An Opinion Piece …

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
… by Peggy Noonan in the WSJ in which she talked about Joe Biden’s disastrous speech he made in Atlanta and I stumbled across a line which, when I read it, I thought “my God she has described @my_2cents to a T.” See if you agree.

“(The speech) seemed prepared by people who think there is only the Democratic Party in America, that’s it, everyone else is an outsider who can be disparaged.”
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… by Peggy Noonan in the WST in which she talked about Joe Biden’s disastrous speech he made in Atlanta and I stumbled across a line which, when I read it, I thought “my God she has described @my_2cents to a T.” See if you agree.

“(The speech) seemed prepared by people who think there is only the Democratic Party in America, that’s it, everyone else is an outsider who can be disparaged.”
Wow, I'm clearly living rent free in your head, aren't I? 🤣🤣

btw, I don't think there is only the Democratic Party in America. Clearly there are right-wingers like yourself Dan. I acknowledge this everytime we have a discussion.

I also praise Republicans when they are right instead of always disparaging a Republican. I've praised McCain, Romney, Liz Cheney, etc. All Republicans. Not Democrats.
Wow, I'm clearly living rent free in your head, aren't I? 🤣🤣

btw, I don't think there is only the Democratic Party in America. Clearly there are right-wingers like yourself Dan. I acknowledge this everytime we have a discussion.

I also praise Republicans when they are right instead of always disparaging a Republican. I've praised McCain, Romney, Liz Cheney, etc. All Republicans. Not Democrats.
Relax, my good man, there are thousands, maybe millions, who are just like you, and Noonan could not have been more accurate in her description.
Relax, my good man, there are thousands, maybe millions, who are just like you, and Noonan could not have been more accurate in her description.
Spoken like the good little right-winger you are.

Keep reading articles while I'm playing in your head. I love it! 🤣🤣
Why do you think I'm living rent free in your head?

Think about it, maybe you will get it eventually.

I know it’s had profound effects on you but the constant repeating the same shit over and over is just monotonous and shows the short bandwidth in which you operate.

Seriously, every post is the same thing.

It makes it easy and sensible to ignore your droning.

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