A very broad philosophical question that deserves more analysis, discussion, and back and forth than can be given justice on a message board but here are a view cliff notes:
Leadership qualities I prefer in a President
-A strict adherence to and respect for the Constitution.
-A commitment to reasoned debate.
-Say what you mean and mean what you say.
-Showing and understanding and commitment to checks and balances of our system and getting the job done within that system.
-A willingness to seek compromise and areas of agreement....that believes reasonable minds can disagree and that the political opposition isn't the devil, they are fellow Americans with a different view.
I'm not going to spend my holiday time giving multiple, detailed policy analysis. Generally I believe that which, within the context of adherent to the Constitution promotes and provides greater individual freedom is for the best. I'm generally:
-A free trader
-Not an isolationist but definitely a non-interventionalist
-I believe there are still racial inequities in our society, especially in the criminal justice system
-I'm somewhere in the middle towards the on gun control issue. The 2nd A is not without limits
-Believe in secure borders, but also believe in more legal immigration
-View the threat of radical Islam in a way that is less concerned with them sending in refugees to perform coordinated directed attacks and more concerned with their social media efforts radicalizing citizens and others here to perform attacks of their own violation. Cant really formulate an opinion of whether more extreme vetting is needed because so far we haven't been told what that will look like. I think a ban, even from just the seven countries in play right now, is bad public policy.
-I don't view the globalist threat...however someone wants to define that...is nearly as big a threat as portrayed....I don't see us ever moving towards Euro Community style sharing of sovereignty with anyone.