I paid my OK toll while traveling the Nations.....

Sunburnt Indian

Heisman Candidate
Nov 7, 2001
Edge of the Comancheria
$1.40. I traveled through the Nations from the Red River to Kansas on I-35. I didn't know I was ever on a toll road. I spent a night in Tonkawa Resort. Tonka in the Tonkawa language means big.

The 3 250,000 Western Electric KOKC AM towers blown down in Moore by the 2015 Moore tornado have not been replaced. I keep reading the former KOMA towers will be replaced but so far no. I've listened to the giant KOMA at Pearl Harbor. An old AF buddy once told me he listened to KOMA every night while stationed in the Aleution Islands. All 3 antennas were used at night for a directional pattern with main lobe to Seattle to protect the giant 1520 station in Buffalo. One antenna 50,000 watts day time omnidirectional. US AM stations can broadcast max 50,000 watts.

I read Oklahoma has big plans to have all power lines go under interstate highways. Not cross over. Contractors better get with it.

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