I Know, I Know, It’s From NBC, But

These issues are "causing anxiety and uncertainty" among her constituents, she said.”

I’m amazed at how anxious people get about things that haven’t even happened. Just continues to demonstrate what opportunists human beings, masquerading as potential political saviors, are and will be. Trump is mostly doing what he said he would do if this shouldn’t surprise people now. If you don’t like it, or better yet want to vote for the new snake oil salesperson’s promised remedy, please do so.

Shocked though, NBC could write an article about Trump losing support and Republicans losing support over something that hasn’t yet happened.

CC: @aix_xpert



Next thing you know Clinton will tell us the Reuters is a right-wing zealot organization and is clearly trying to smear NBC news via this story.
Then you should get yourself out of your media bubble a little more and recognize when you've been played.

Hey, good on you. I’m conditioned to not believing much of the righty fake news propaganda on here.

What’s funny is these “left” news companies are quick to rid themselves of problems...Fox not so much haha

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