I have a gazillion rounds of .22LR ammo


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Jan 10, 2005
So stick that in your juice box and suck it!!!!!

Seriously, this is getting old. The .22LR ammo silliness has got to stop.

I go into Walmart last night, and on the shelf was a post Twinkie shut down valuable box of .22LR. I finally track down some blue shirted dude that probably just got through cleaning up a freshly laid human turd on aisle 12 and inquire about purchasing said ammo. His response? "We can't sell that box at this time...we will only sell that after 7am...." WTF????!!!!!! I HAVE MONEY IN MY POCKET!!!!! ITS RIGHT THERE ON THE SHELF!!!!!

JEEZUZ!!!!!! So, they could sell me a box of .45 ACP at 10:30 pm, but not one lousy box of .22LR????

They have bricks and bricks of 12 gauge ammo all over hell and back, and I can walk in at midnight and buy .00 buckshot and walk on out. But God Forbid you ask for .22LR. i understand there's some "shortage" of .22 LR, but what in the hell difference does it make what time it is purchased??

Stores and all their silly little games they play dangling wanted merchandise. Just stupid .

Of course, I go back this morning at 7am and the box is gone.

I wont even type what I said after that. It's not even appropriate for this board.
Pretty sure that guy was an idiot and was wrong. I have never been told I couldn't buy a certain ammo. If the outdoor desk is open you can buy any ammo. Only thing that should have stopped you was them being past time to open the ammo case.

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