I Don’t Know About You

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
But to me this chart looks to be about 50-50 in cross border strikes. I have no idea where this anti-Semitic author says it’s 80% Israel to 20% Lebanon. And ignore the Israeli war crime of using white phosphorous, Israel is the victim when it does that, it’s a really really really moral society doing just what God instructs them to do. If God wants them to use white phosphorus how can mortal men think that’s a war crime? Israel has every right to protect itself from Lebanese villages where every building is filled with missiles bound for it. This whole conflict is moral purity vs pure evil, abdolutely no gray areas anywhere to be seen.

But to me this chart looks to be about 50-50 in cross border strikes. I have no idea where this anti-Semitic author says it’s 80% Israel to 20% Lebanon. And ignore the Israeli war crime of using white phosphorous, Israel is the victim when it does that, it’s a really really really moral society doing just what God instructs them to do. If God wants them to use white phosphorus how can mortal men think that’s a war crime? Israel has every right to protect itself from Lebanese villages where every building is filled with missiles bound for it. This whole conflict is moral purity vs pure evil, abdolutely no gray areas anywhere to be seen.

No one is ignoring anything. We’re all quite aware (well, maybe not you) of the treachery that moslems have perpetrated against civilized people since 610 AD.
Your wife most be disappointed!
Heard your wife took your sack out of her purse and displays them on her truck now. 🤣


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