I didn't know this

He'd be Trump's biggest fan if Trump hadn't cut the flow of the US gravy train to zero. I'm just glad we started paying Pakistan what it's actually worth.
Hey it has nothing to do with Pakistan.I don't give a shit about what Trump gives to
Pakistan.Our govt needs to learn how to spend the money thyey have effectively.

Note the 2 responses: denial and attack the messenger.
Garbage article, but not surprising really, especially coming from that dbag. I have an idea, if they don’t like it than leave the union, problem solved and they can keep all their money.

Not going to dig through the sourced material, but would bet whatever info he got.....he kept his thumb on the scale until it fit his narrative.

If he thinks Trump is “artificially dividing the country with the us and them” crap, he’s dumber than I thought. Wonder if say 1% rings a bell, or they cling to their guns and bibles, you didn’t build that and one of my favorites has always been the “deplorables” comment.
I posted because it was the first time I read something like this.
You are a red state wanted your opinions denying what he said with your own statistics.
Garbage article, but not surprising really, especially coming from that dbag. I have an idea, if they don’t like it than leave the union, problem solved and they can keep all their money.

Not going to dig through the sourced material, but would bet whatever info he got.....he kept his thumb on the scale until it fit his narrative.

If he thinks Trump is “artificially dividing the country with the us and them” crap, he’s dumber than I thought. Wonder if say 1% rings a bell, or they cling to their guns and bibles, you didn’t build that and one of my favorites has always been the “deplorables” comment.
Thanks good response.
This data is all based on the 'Rockefeller Institute of Government' and their research. To say it is flawed would be an understatement. For example the State of New York receives greater than average on assistance programs.
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They arrive at that figure by including federal funding of military bases. Guess what, most military bases are in the south because of weather.

No other state mooches as much as California in terms of welfare benefits. If I have tine I’ll try and post a link.

@aliabedi i hope you are learning that the reality you think you are getting about America is fake news.

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