I Didn’t Need To Read The Article

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
The headline alone made me laugh. I remember 30 years ago when my son was a freshman at Harvard every freshman was required to take a “statistics” class. It was the prequel to the DEI crap they have to take now. Back then the students derisively called it their “indoctrination” class and no one took it seriously. I wonder if times have changed and today’s students think the DEI class has value. I imagine some do but most don’t.

When my son was at OSU he had a class he called the White Devil Class. The guy teaching the class was your typical leftist POS who blames everything on White people, even though he himself was white. Only way he made it through the class was writing BS papers that supported the opinion of the professor. He would have all the tutors who had been English Majors check his papers for proper grammar, punctuation, the whole bit, professor wouldn't give him anything above a C. A buddy of his was a big black guy that worked as a bouncer in one of the bars in the same class with him. He would turn in half ass work that was barely readable and the professor would give him As and Bs. When he would complain about it I would tell him it was a perfect class for him. It would teach him what leftist really were and how to deal with them.

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