I Did Not Watch The Second Debate

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
There's only so much horse manure I can stomach at any one time. I did see a clip of Kamala Harris, however, and all I can say is if she becomes our next president the country as was founded will be lost for several generations.

As many of you know I have repeatedly criticized Donald Trump for his "executive actions" in contravention of the constitution. His unilateral imposition of tariffs and his insistence he can make war with anyone he wants are at the top of my list. The always-Trumpsters have howled in fury, insisting that everything he has done has been legal and above board. They have to know that's not true, but their devotion to the man supersedes all else, so they have convinced themselves no matter what he does or says they will back him, mainly because he is not Hillary. One aspect of my argument, among many others, is Trump is setting a dangerous precedent with his unilateral actions, actions he has added to the unilateral law making that preceded him with Obama, and preceded Obama with Bush, and preceded Bush with, well, you get the picture.

Now along comes Ms, Harris. In the clip I saw she announced she would give the legislative branch 100 days to enact her total agenda, and if they failed she would enact it by executive action. In other words the people that have been elected to represent their constituents are to be left out of the equation. Either do as Ms. Harris says, whether the electorate agrees with her ideas or not, or she will make them into law by fiat. Amongst loud cheering she ticked off a list of things she would make into law by herself. She is announcing she will make herself America's first Queen, first dictator. And the crowd howled with delight! If nothing else scares the pants off of you, that should.

The night before I saw nothing in Elizabeth Warren that appeared presidential. She is a bureaucrat, nothing more. Harris is a different proposition. On national tv she announced her desire to become royalty, and her insistence that she will make herself royal by hook or by crook. And shockingly many on this board said she "won" the debate. God help us all!
She “won” the debate according to msnbc because she zinged Biden with her bussing story.

Segregation in the 1960’s is not relevant in 2019. As much as I think Biden is a fool that has been in Washington during a collapse of our culture and the ignorance of not securing our border at the cost of legal immigrants and low skill workers, what he did back then isn’t even bad. He worked with what he had to work with at the time. The concerns with integration and how to implement it were legitimate and in no way point to racism. Even his comments about having an Indian accent at 7/11’s was legitimate and an accurate observation. Crude? Maybe, but society wasn’t as uptight back then.
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She “won” the debate according to msnbc because she zinged Biden with her bussing story.

Segregation in the 1960’s is not relevant in 2019. As much as I think Biden is a fool that has been in Washington during a collapse of our culture and the ignorance of not securing our border at the cost of legal immigrants and low skill workers, what he did back then isn’t even bad. He worked with what he had to work with at the time. The concerns with integration and how to implement it were legitimate and in no way point to racism. Even his comments about having an Indian accent at 7/11’s was legitimate and an accurate observation. Crude? Maybe, but society wasn’t as uptight back then.
Did you see that part where Ms.Harris said if she won she would declare herself to be a dictator? Did that not ring giant alarm bells in your head?
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Did you see that part where Ms.Harris said if she won she would declare herself to be a dictator? Did that not ring giant alarm bells in your head?

I saw it and that is a new precedent that Obama set. If the right only allows the left to go that route while claiming the moral high ground, we lose. Just like Schumer’s nuclear option. It’s unfortunate but operating in good faith with the left while not adopting their tactics just lubricates the ideas of the left and their power grab. Hopefully president pence or Haley address that and have some breathing room to get us back to reasonable governance. 8 year swings from one party to the next what choice do we have? I’m sure they see it the same way. If it’s constitutional then she will get away with it. Hopefully trumps judges have the ability to stand up to her,
Biden deserved it, he has said Trump is a Racist so let him get a little of what he dishes out.

I have no problem with this sentiment, it actually proves a few of my points. If he hadn’t gone the cheap shot gotcha route with trump, trump might have stood up for him with an empathetic tweet. You are right though, he doesn’t deserve a lick of goodwill.
I couldn't believe Biden said, "Beat Donald Trump" when ask the first thing he'd do as president. Senility.

Maybe he still wants to take Trump behind the Gymnasium and get his facelift messed up.

I saw it and that is a new precedent that Obama set. If the right only allows the left to go that route while claiming the moral high ground, we lose. Just like Schumer’s nuclear option. It’s unfortunate but operating in good faith with the left while not adopting their tactics just lubricates the ideas of the left and their power grab. Hopefully president pence or Haley address that and have some breathing room to get us back to reasonable governance. 8 year swings from one party to the next what choice do we have? I’m sure they see it the same way. If it’s constitutional then she will get away with it. Hopefully trumps judges have the ability to stand up to her,

Oh my goodness, Harry, I’m a 72 year grizzled old man. At my age it takes a lot to make me cry, but your comment put me on the verge of tears. I beseech you to read what you wrote and contemplate the breadth of the potential evil you just proposed. I know you are smarter than that. I know if you think about it you will see the error you are making. Let me give you a clue: if it’s a threat to your sovereignty as a free individual when a Democrat does it, it is a threat to your individual liberty if a Republican does it. If you or your children or your grandchildren are being marched off to a gulag some day down the road, will you tell yourself it’s OK because it’s your team doing it?
Oh my goodness, Harry, I’m a 72 year grizzled old man. At my age it takes a lot to make me cry, but your comment put me on the verge of tears. I beseech you to read what you wrote and contemplate the breadth of the potential evil you just proposed. I know you are smarter than that. I know if you think about it you will see the error you are making. Let me give you a clue: if it’s a threat to your sovereignty as a free individual when a Democrat does it, it is a threat to your individual liberty if a Republican does it. If you or your children or your grandchildren are being marched off to a gulag some day down the road, will you tell yourself it’s OK because it’s your team doing it?

That seems a little extreme. The left is insatiable. They cannot be satisfied. Go back 300 years. We can disagree on what the sweet spot of progress is, but in my lifetime what the left views as progressive is nonsensical and it must be stopped. If it takes a bully with a poop mouth and some executive orders, fvck it lets roll. I’m willing to break your old ribs by giving you the Heimlich to save you from choking on socialism and you better not bitch about your broken ribs when I’m done.
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