But consent of other states could become possible. Do you think California or Oregon would complain if Georgia seceeded under a controlled "brexit" like plan? And Red states may support it so they can define a precedent for their own use. Just a hypothetical of course. Just read these boards. If California asked to seceed, how many states are going to simply state, "don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya". In fact, if we keep going the way we are going, in 100 years, we'll need it or there will be armed revolution for that separation. Just look at the wide variance of beliefs and values between the states of Oklahoma and Oregon. Similar in size, population, and population centers, but completely different value systems (and thats ok). But the theory of a collection of states only works if the states have the power to self-govern, and the fact is, every year more of that power is centered to our Federal government. And thus you are getting more Oregonians being governed by those who think like Oklahomans. And if the 'blue trend through migration, etc. is true, then somewhere in the future you'll have Oklahomans being governed by those who think like Oregonians. That's not a recipe for long-term success.