HS Recruiting News

I've been out of touch for several days due to Hurricane Helene. It hit the mountain region of SC/NC very hard. I've seen some nasty stuff in my 60 years, but man, that was one helluva wind and rain storm. I guess I'm grateful that I only lost power for two days and only three trees. My wife and I try to do a weekend vacation at least once a year in Chimney Rock, NC. It's a quaint little town on both sides of the Broad River in a mountain pass. I guess you guys know where I'm going with this. This past week, they got two feet of rain in a very mountainous area. I "only" got a foot. So anyway, the entire town was wiped off the face of the Earth on Friday. I mean cleaned down to the foundations and then some. The river doubled its channel in half a day. So it's been crazy. See link below. Posting with a phone hotspot. I hope everyone there is safe. A crazy world.

Sorry for the off topic post.
Hopefully everyone is doing the best they can and glad you got out of there ok.
I've been out of touch for several days due to Hurricane Helene. It hit the mountain region of SC/NC very hard. I've seen some nasty stuff in my 60 years, but man, that was one helluva wind and rain storm. I guess I'm grateful that I only lost power for two days and only three trees. My wife and I try to do a weekend vacation at least once a year in Chimney Rock, NC. It's a quaint little town on both sides of the Broad River in a mountain pass. I guess you guys know where I'm going with this. This past week, they got two feet of rain in a very mountainous area. I "only" got a foot. So anyway, the entire town was wiped off the face of the Earth on Friday. I mean cleaned down to the foundations and then some. The river doubled its channel in half a day. So it's been crazy. See link below. Posting with a phone hotspot. I hope everyone there is safe. A crazy world.

Sorry for the off topic post.
I've got a very good friend I knew in Atlanta and she is trapped, we think, in a mountain house outside Brevard. No one has heard from her since Thursday after lunch. We're pretty sure they're just stuck in the house with out power or cell service and the roads are impassable. But we don't know.

Pennstate1985, I'm glad you have power and hope that is a sign my friend will get power before long.. And very glad you're safe!!

The videos and pictures of the devastation are horrendous.
I've been out of touch for several days due to Hurricane Helene. It hit the mountain region of SC/NC very hard. I've seen some nasty stuff in my 60 years, but man, that was one helluva wind and rain storm. I guess I'm grateful that I only lost power for two days and only three trees. My wife and I try to do a weekend vacation at least once a year in Chimney Rock, NC. It's a quaint little town on both sides of the Broad River in a mountain pass. I guess you guys know where I'm going with this. This past week, they got two feet of rain in a very mountainous area. I "only" got a foot. So anyway, the entire town was wiped off the face of the Earth on Friday. I mean cleaned down to the foundations and then some. The river doubled its channel in half a day. So it's been crazy. See link below. Posting with a phone hotspot. I hope everyone there is safe. A crazy world.

Sorry for the off topic post.
My wife spent this week with her brother in Charlotte. They escaped worst part of the storm but they were without power for two days. She flew home yesterday with no problems.
The devastation in and around Asheville is unbelievable. I have made a couple of visits to those mountains and it is hard to believe the destruction from that area. My BIL loved to stop at Chimney Rock when riding his cycle, in fact, he did that 2 weekends ago.
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I've got a very good friend I knew in Atlanta and she is trapped, we think, in a mountain house outside Brevard. No one has heard from her since Thursday after lunch. We're pretty sure they're just stuck in the house with out power or cell service and the roads are impassable. But we don't know.

Pennstate1985, I'm glad you have power and hope that is a sign my friend will get power before long.. And very glad you're safe!!

The videos and pictures of the devastation are horrendous.
I'm sure your friend is fine. I am in a populated area and the phone connections were very iffy until today. I was trying to run a business with hotspot and text only for two days. It was crazy. Every hour I had to go start up the car to charge the phone lol. It is 1000x worse in the mountains I have no doubt. Brevard county (Transylvania I believe) was hard hit but nothing like the next county over. Do not be overly concerned if she doesn't contact you for several days. They are still in search and rescue mode in NC. It may be a week before they get power and cell service back. Her neighbors will take care of her I have no doubt. Southern hospitality.
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My wife spent this week with her brother in Charlotte. They escaped worst part of the storm but they were without power for two days. She flew home yesterday with no problems.
The devastation in and around Asheville is unbelievable. I have made a couple of visits to those mountains and it is hard to believe the destruction from that area. My BIL loved to stop at Chimney Rock when riding his cycle, in fact, he did that 2 weekends ago.
There is (was) a "biker bar & restaurant" in Chimney Rock that we loved to frequent. I'm sure your BIL visited there. Right along the river. Fond memories of that place. I'm sure it no longer exists today and that is sad. It was right next to the river. Wife and I spent Thanksgiving there two years ago just chilling by the Broad River meandering by.
I'm sure your friend is fine. I am in a populated area and the phone connections were very iffy until today. I was trying to run a business with hotspot and text only for two days. It was crazy. It is 1000x worse in the mountains I have no doubt. Brevard county (Transylvania I believe) was hard hit but nothing like the next county over. Do not be overly concerned if she doesn't contact you for several days. They are still in search and rescue mode in NC. It may be a week before they get power and cell service back. Her neighbors will take care of her I have no doubt. Southern hospitality.
Thanks Pennstate1985 for your caring assurance!! I feel she is just fine….i just have to be patient!
Thanks Pennstate1985 for your caring assurance!! I feel she is just fine….i just have to be patient!
There were times when I had to go outside to text because the signal was so poor, and I live in an area (Upstate SC) with a million people. The mountains already have so-so service, so I can only imagine that she is more frustrated than you. I felt like I had returned to the stone ages but without the ability to create fire. I read books and did a puzzle until darkness fell and then went to bed at 8pm. Nothing else to do in the dark.

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