How you know there is more inflation to come:


Heisman Winner
Sep 5, 2001

see 20% annualized home value growth...

see 4.5% annualized rent equivalent growth

You can't have one component that makes up 30% of the CPI only reflect 20% of the actual asset inflation. Even if home values start to level out with higher interest rates, you'll have 3-4 years of Rent Equivalent costs to catch up to the existing property value inflation, and as 30% of CPI, that creates a very stubborn floor over the next 18-36 months for the CPI index.
Inflation is definitely bad right now. I cringe everytime I go shopping!

I hope they get it under control soon.
I do too. But even if they do, they can't control the narrative on it. If everything magically reverted back to 2% inflation starting tomorrow, the CPI over the next 18 months is still going to be 3.5-4%, because rents will eventually rebalance to property values.
I do too. But even if they do, they can't control the narrative on it. If everything magically reverted back to 2% inflation starting tomorrow, the CPI over the next 18 months is still going to be 3.5-4%, because rents will eventually rebalance to property values.
I don't care about the narrative. I just want to see it come down and our economy be successful.
Inflation is definitely bad right now. I cringe everytime I go shopping!

I hope they get it under control soon.

Store prices are nothing compared to what it’s doing to my liquid assets. Money is flying out the window daily through lost value. There is no sure fire hedge against inflation out there.

The gubment loves inflation. It cheapens the debt.
Store prices are nothing compared to what it’s doing to my liquid assets. Money is flying out the window daily through lost value. There is no sure fire hedge against inflation out there.

The gubment loves inflation. It cheapens the debt.

Inflation is hurting everyone but it's really hurting the poor and middleclass.
My son brought over some sirloins he took out of his freezer that he bought at Costco a while back. The price tag was still on them, 4 1-inch-thick sirloins were $24. Can't touch those now for less than $60.
I don't doubt it. Inflation is a big problem right now.

I'm sure, like me, you and your son will be thankful when it gets fixed. We won't have to cringe when we go shopping!
I don't doubt it. Inflation is a big problem right now.

I'm sure, like me, you and your son will be thankful when it gets fixed. We won't have to cringe when we go shopping!

My focus now is what kind of country we leave for our kids and grandkids. My wife and I have made our lives and are pretty much set for our future, it's the kids I worry about.
My focus now is what kind of country we leave for our kids and grandkids. My wife and I have made our lives and are pretty much set for our future, it's the kids I worry about.
Fully agree. Which is one reason I want to see inflation come down and a strong exonomy. I'm sure it will, I just hope it happens sooner rather than later.
My son brought over some sirloins he took out of his freezer that he bought at Costco a while back. The price tag was still on them, 4 1-inch-thick sirloins were $24. Can't touch those now for less than $60.
I was thinking just this past weekend about how blessed we are that almost everyone in my immediate family has a freezer full of grass fed beef
my black market of eggnog in the freezer awaiting my retrieval)
Rule 1 and the only rule is you don't freeze eggnog! Here's how to "preserve" it:

Jones' Killer Eggnog

1 gal. commercial eggnog mix (we use Braum's)
2 1/2 C. bourbon
1 2/3 C. rum
1 2/3 C. brandy

Store upright in a glass bottle (empty booze/wine bottles work well). The booze
will come to the top and "seal off" the eggnog so it doesn't spoil. Done properly,
this will last indefinitely. We have a bunch of "aging" eggnog in garage frig. now.

Note: The oldest batch we've ever had was aged seven years. The taste does
get better with age! :D
Burnt you can get a better breakfast sandwich cheaper and great quality at Braum’s, provided you are in their radius from Tuttle.
It goes as far North as South KC so I am deprived (except for my black market of eggnog in the freezer awaiting my retrieval)
I don't have a Braum's. Wendy's sandwich is okay at $3.24. Excellent when they put it on 2 week special at $1.08.
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see 20% annualized home value growth...

see 4.5% annualized rent equivalent growth

You can't have one component that makes up 30% of the CPI only reflect 20% of the actual asset inflation. Even if home values start to level out with higher interest rates, you'll have 3-4 years of Rent Equivalent costs to catch up to the existing property value inflation, and as 30% of CPI, that creates a very stubborn floor over the next 18-36 months for the CPI index.
That's not how it works
It isn't? Be sure and have Democrats include that in their platform, I'm sure the poor and middleclass will love it.
It isn't. Inflation is good for debtors and bad for creditors. Have you had a salary negotiation in the last year?

Where exactly do you think the extra money from higher prices goes?
Note: The oldest batch we've ever had was aged seven years. The taste does
get better with age! :D
Sounds great. I’ve never had a problem with frozen plastic jugs of Braum’s Nogg but can see how your method would be better. Sometimes I blend it when it’s thawed but it’s always far better than anything available locally
Sounds great. I’ve never had a problem with frozen plastic jugs of Braum’s Nogg but can see how your method would be better. Sometimes I blend it when it’s thawed but it’s always far better than anything available locally

Just make sure it's stored in glass bottles; it goes bad in plastic.:eek:
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Yeah, those fixed income retirees should get off their lazy asses and hit that job market.
Or at least get a better financial advisor. We have SSI to keep people who make poor decisions like this from slipping into destitution.

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