How Much Longer Must We Wait?

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
We were told the Mueller investigative team was going to nail Trump’s hide to the wall, but then nothing happened.

Then we were told the Jan 6 Commission would produce an evidentiary report that would send Trump to prison where he belongs. I think it was this commission that @davidallen assured us would have the results he so desperately wanted. If memory serves he gave it two weeks, more or less. Now the report has been issued and met with a gigantic public yawn.

And lately our ponderous counselor from Florida has opined the DOJ is conducting a thorough investigation (unlike Mueller, apparently) so Trump is not out of the woods yet.

Any time frame on when we might see the orange-haired man being perp walked in an orange jump suit? Is 2023 the year they finally get him?
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By whom? When?

By whom? When?
You don’t know? Every leftist Democrat on the planet! I think you may be suffering from selective memory! But that misdirection aside, are you anticipating consummation of the leftist-inspired destruction of Trump in 2023?
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You don’t know? Every leftist Democrat on the planet! I think you may be suffering from selective memory!
No, every leftist Democrat on the planet didn't claim the Mueller investigative team was going to nail Trump’s hide to the wall. Every leftist Democrat on the planet also didn't say the January 6 Committee would send Trump to prison. Heck, not even every leftist Democrat on this board made such claims.

opined the DOJ is conducting a thorough investigation (unlike Mueller, apparently) so Trump is not out of the woods yet.
Clearly this is true. This doesn't mean though that every leftist Democrat on the planet (or even the Democrats on this board, myself included) is predicting that Trump will face formal charges.

Any time frame on when we might see the orange-haired man being perp walked in an orange jump suit? Is 2023 the year they finally get him?
are you anticipating consummation of the leftist-inspired destruction of Trump in 2023?
Leftist-inspired destruction? 🤣🤣 Trump has no one to blame but himself for all the investigations swirling around him at the moment.

As for a time frame, who knows. Depends on how fast the ongoing investigations take. The special counsel investigation appears to be moving fast and he now has referrals from the Select Committee. He also inherited ongoing investigations, which helps speed up the timeframe. I've read "opinions" from former federal prosecutors who are closely following Jack Smith, and they are impressed with his speed. Some of them have also "opined" that "if" Smith is going to bring formal charges, he needs to do so in the first quarter of 2022. Each investigation is different though.

As for whether formal charges will be brought, as I said on another thread when asked this question, I'll believe it when I see it.
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Should be any day now, he tried to overthrow the Government and took Classified nuclear documents when he left office. May not have been enough to git him now so they have Circle Jerked back to his Taxes. 🤣
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We were told the Mueller investigative team was going to nail Trump’s hide to the wall, but then nothing happened.

Then we were told the Jan 6 Commission would produce an evidentiary report that would send Trump to prison where he belongs. I think it was this commission that @davidallen assured us would have the results he so desperately wanted. If memory serves he gave it two weeks, more or less. Now the report has been issued and met with a gigantic public yawn.

And lately our ponderous counselor from Florida has opined the DOJ is conducting a thorough investigation (unlike Mueller, apparently) so Trump is not out of the woods yet.

Any time frame on when we might see the orange-haired man being perp walked in an orange jump suit? Is 2023 the year they finally get him?
So needy. Admit it Danny you've missed me.
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We were told the Mueller investigative team was going to nail Trump’s hide to the wall, but then nothing happened.

Then we were told the Jan 6 Commission would produce an evidentiary report that would send Trump to prison where he belongs. I think it was this commission that @davidallen assured us would have the results he so desperately wanted. If memory serves he gave it two weeks, more or less. Now the report has been issued and met with a gigantic public yawn.

And lately our ponderous counselor from Florida has opined the DOJ is conducting a thorough investigation (unlike Mueller, apparently) so Trump is not out of the woods yet.

Any time frame on when we might see the orange-haired man being perp walked in an orange jump suit? Is 2023 the year they finally get him?
Trump has almost given the Dems all they needed and will be suitably disposed of in the coming months.

We appreciate all he has done for the progressive cause.
Trump has almost given the Dems all they needed and will be suitably disposed of in the coming months.

We appreciate all he has done for the progressive cause.
So in your opinion Trump’s demise will take place in the coming months? Well, I guess “coming months” does qualify as the “more” in “two weeks, more or less.”
You don’t know? Every leftist Democrat on the planet! I think you may be suffering from selective memory! But that misdirection aside, are you anticipating consummation of the leftist-inspired destruction of Trump in 2023?
The strawmanning is impressive, even for you.
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He has suffered sufficient humiliation in my book. Everything from here on is gravy.
I believe you will be sopping up the gravy for a while longer because he won't be able to walk way with any dignity. But it is clear, to me at least, that DJT is politcally dead in the water. It says something about you as a person that that is not enough. You might want to work on that.
I believe you will be sopping up the gravy for a while longer because he won't be able to walk way with any dignity. But it is clear, to me at least, that DJT is politcally dead in the water. It says something about you as a person that that is not enough. You might want to work on that.
My real concern is for @CoastGuardCowboy, @Sunburnt Indian, @Rdcldad and their ilk. They may well go to their graves believing all Trumps lies. The alternative is likely more than they could stand.
lies like this?

why you think it’s ccp/dnc dave?

I'd call that political hyperbole. A lie would look like this:

"The flu, in our country, kills from 25,000 people to 69,000 people a year. And, so far, if you look at what we have with the 15 people and their recovery, one is — one is pretty sick but hopefully will recover, but the others are in great shape. But think of that: 25,000 to 69,000. And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that's a pretty good job we've done.”

Hope that helps.
How do you function on a day to day basis?

knowing when it comes time to stand before the man i did my best

how bout you dave?
knowing your regime wipes their ass with the constitution and bill of rights

how you function?

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