How did the liberal left become what the right wing militia wanted to be?


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Jan 5, 2002
The far right conservatives in the 90's turned in to those state 'militia' groups. They became more and more aggressive and defiant. Today that same mindset has been adopted by the militant left. Unfortunately there are far greater liberals who share this belief than there were alt right followers.

Someone must start arresting and prosecuting this behavior with criminal charges that deter the others. Unless stopped, these militant left thugs are going to continue to escalate the aggression until they kill someone or many people. It isn't a matter of if but when and how many.

Hell as I'm typing this I just thought of all the cops that have been assassinated this past year by inspired liberal leftist militants. So... how many more are going to be killed by the leftists in this country before they are condemned by the moderate liberals?

We ask moderate Muslims to turn in and denounce the violence by the islomo-facists. Us moderate conservatives denounced those crazy militia types when they were going nuts. Where are you moderate left? Why the silence unless you actually sanction this behavior?
The far right conservatives in the 90's turned in to those state 'militia' groups. They became more and more aggressive and defiant. Today that same mindset has been adopted by the militant left. Unfortunately there are far greater liberals who share this belief than there were alt right followers.

Someone must start arresting and prosecuting this behavior with criminal charges that deter the others. Unless stopped, these militant left thugs are going to continue to escalate the aggression until they kill someone or many people. It isn't a matter of if but when and how many.

Hell as I'm typing this I just thought of all the cops that have been assassinated this past year by inspired liberal leftist militants. So... how many more are going to be killed by the leftists in this country before they are condemned by the moderate liberals?

We ask moderate Muslims to turn in and denounce the violence by the islomo-facists. Us moderate conservatives denounced those crazy militia types when they were going nuts. Where are you moderate left? Why the silence unless you actually sanction this behavior?

Shhhhh. That's a recipe for actual national socialist fasiscts. Shhh
As far as the cop shooters, that was so shocking, I don't think moderate dems thought of them as really having anything to do with the "left". Just that they were deeply disturbed and angry individuals. Their motive for killing wasn't political, it was racial. I'm pretty sure it was denounced by just about everyone though.

The thugs being violent ,I think the left is still wrapping its brain around that in the same way the right did the militants. There was a lot of denial by the right for a long while that they were dangerous. I specifically remember being told on the old NSB I was an idiot for worrying that they might pull an OKC style attack on a gov building. Whatever happened to them anyway?

If the phisical attacks continue the left will have to speak out. Right now I think there is a lot of questions as to whether they are politically motivated, or just thugs looking for excuses to be thugs.
As far as the cop shooters... Their motive for killing wasn't political, it was racial.

I contend those two positions are actually one in the same. The left uses race as a political tool.

But to the larger point that the left is increasingly the ones much more likely to cause a mass casualty event has to be concerning for those on the left that condemn that activity. Right behind Islamo-fascist inspired mass killings, the left's organized riot brigade has to be the largest threat to general peace keeping in America today.
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Mix of opportunistic anarchists, brats with nothing better to do, "professional" agitators riding coat tails of genuinely disaffected or outraged citizens.

No liberal I know (trust me I know plenty) celebrates violence. They are celebrating the impact their actions are having, in terms of media, community support, and recognition internationally for "standing up".

Hate on them all you want, but until the POTUS acknowledges them, evidenced by a reconciliatory tone/actions this resistance will have legs... that or the Republicans will take him out.
Where are you moderate left? Why the silence unless you actually sanction this behavior?

It's all they have left, having had their asses handed to 'em on a platter. They're in self-destruct mode, and the countdown continues. Sofa king predictable and sofa king much fun to watch.
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Mix of opportunistic anarchists, brats with nothing better to do, "professional" agitators riding coat tails of genuinely disaffected or outraged citizens.

No liberal I know (trust me I know plenty) celebrates violence. They are celebrating the impact their actions are having, in terms of media, community support, and recognition internationally for "standing up".

Hate on them all you want, but until the POTUS acknowledges them, evidenced by a reconciliatory tone/actions this resistance will have legs... that or the Republicans will take him out.
When acknowledgment means complete acceptance and giving in to their ways, I don't expect much to happen. ( both sides are guilty of this) But, we also had a president for the last eight years who acted the same way to his counterparts. Going to be interesting.
I contend those two positions are actually one in the same. The left uses race as a political tool.

But to the larger point that the left is increasingly the ones much more likely to cause a mass casualty event has to be concerning for those on the left that condemn that activity. Right behind Islamo-fascist inspired mass killings, the left's organized riot brigade has to be the largest threat to general peace keeping in America today.

Eh.. I think your over dramatizing it.... which of course makes me as guilty as the conservatives that told me I was overdramatizing the malitia....but in the end they were probably right.

We'll see where it goes. Some of this can be helped by the current President if he really wants to. You guys have repeatedly said you really love what a great troll he is. Thats what trolls do, they egg people into reacting badly. While yes the left needs to speak out on it, the right needs to stop trying to bait them into to doing it as well.
Eh.. I think your over dramatizing it.... which of course makes me as guilty as the conservatives that told me I was overdramatizing the malitia....but in the end they were probably right.

We'll see where it goes. Some of this can be helped by the current President if he really wants to. You guys have repeatedly said you really love what a great troll he is. Thats what trolls do, they egg people into reacting badly. While yes the left needs to speak out on it, the right needs to stop trying to bait them into to doing it as well.

You can't be blaming Trump for the aggressive actions of the left?
You can't be blaming Trump for the aggressive actions of the left?

I'm saying you can't be all giddy about a person's ability to really piss people off, and then be horrified when .01% of the people you are really trying to piss off does something really stupid. His fault? No. Can he help the situation by acting more like an adult? Yes. Does he WANT to help stop any of the violence? I have serious doubts.
Keep repeating that BS. It is fuel on the fire.
Yep. Just like Hillary managed to beat the worst presidential candidate in the history of the worlds, despite spending more than any other presidential candidate in history and having the Clinton name. Oh, snap. Oops.

The liberal self view is amazing... to a liberal. The rest of us have ceased being impressed or influenced. Trump is all of the evidence you need.

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